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Some questions, plz answer soon.

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Some questions, plz answer soon.

Post by Nogoodnamesleft »

1. Is this game, "Lionheart", actually any good?

2. Is it like Baldur's Gate (although I'm aware that it doesn't use the IE which is grotesquely outdated)?

3. Would you recommend it?

4. Does it have that stupid problem that BG did, where characters can only walk and not run?

5. What the Heck is it about, anyways??? Does it have sword-whackage and spell-flingery???

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Post by Skuld »

It's actually a rather good game, I've been playing it on and off for a while. I see it for $10 in the store all the time and it's defintely worth the money. Very underestimated if you ask me. It uses the SPECIAL system for stats (strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, agility, and luck), you get to choose between 4 races(each with a dozen or so racial traits of which you can choose one unless you're a pureblood human), a dozen or so major and minor guilds, and a slew of abilities distributed between 4 "schools" of magic with 20 spells each, thievery(detect traps, pickpocket, unlock, and speachcraft), and fighting (ranged, unarmed, two-handed, single handed, and evasion). It's pretty much like Fallout. The setting is spain and france, you're a decendant of Richard the Lionheart and I'm not sure what the main story of the game is anymore. The thing I like about his game is you can make any kind of character you want and run through the game 20 times each with a remarkable different character.
So to answer your questions:
1. Yes
2. Yes, but with better graphics.
3. Yes
4. No, you can toggle run/walk
5. I don't remember what it's about, but there definately is a lot of sword whackage and spell flingery although I recommend sticking to one or the other to prevent spreading your points too thin and making your character not very good at anything. Come to think of it there's a lot of dialogue you should probably pay attention too as well. It's got plenty of dungeon crawl and RP blended into one game.
"I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us, instead of shoot us when he had the chance" - Bao-Dur
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