Well, maybe it is cheating but that's up to you to decide.
I noticed that when I equip my characters with the Axe of Unwielding +5 I gain 9HP (current health, not maximum health) due to the raise in Constitution. All you have to do to heal your injuries is to put the axe in the weapons slot, take it out, put it back, take it out again... Every time you do this you'll get 9HP!
I personnaly don't use it, I've beaten BG I, TOSC, BGII and IWD without using it so I don't see why I'd need it for TOB. Just telling those that it might interest.
Also, in SoA, you can use the Sensate Amulet (from Deidre) and the Spear of Kuldahar (from Joluv) to do the same thing. With these two things, all characters (except mages) can instantly heal all the time and also drown in a sea of cheese.
You can never hope to grasp the source of our power. We are forever.
Ah, the many varieties of cheese are truly refreshing. Keep 'em coming! Always fun to hear about them (though actually using them gets old fast).
[url="http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/SpellsReference/Main.htm"]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.