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The Heathen Citadel

Anything goes... just keep it clean.

Are there any real godlings on GBanshee at all?

No, cause no one can just smell chicken tandoori and keep alive.
No, cause no one can just smell chicken tandoori and keep alive.
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Post by Bloodmire »

we will fight to the last man or woman (or manwoman) the citadel will stand as long as i remain on guard and when i die (more than likely off alchol poisening) another shall rise to take my place you can never win :p
Another cameo appearance from Bloodmire :D
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Post by Demortis »


BANG sniper 03 reporting sir, the elven recon scouts are getting nosy sir. were taking the ones we can get but some of the shots are hitting trees. recommend flash fires, could help us hehe burn the buggers out of hiding. we will replant anything that was destroyed afterwards


@maxi: we are Black Talon we are the best those before you have tried and failed to defeat us. even with your stealth tech. we see all.

*knifes an elven recon scout* like i said we see all
Zombies are not real! The Government is still doin Human trails!

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Post by Magrus »

Hold on, Meat and Potatoes break, need to soak up the Tequila. :mad:

I'll be back though to procure more ammunition for the citadel.
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by Bloodmire »

You want me to drink some more :D ok then here it goes :D
Another cameo appearance from Bloodmire :D
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Ideal Maxima
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

what are you talking about?

I sent for no recon scouts, I already know your plans through our spy. Our army is in an hidden location nobody can see, it is basically impossible to find them, not even i know where they are. All i must do is... (EDIT) ... and then they'll come out of hiding :rolleyes:
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Post by Magrus »

[QUOTE=Ideal Maxima]what are you talking about?[/QUOTE]

I really don't know. I just wanted an excuse for mass consumption of alcohol really, and using empty liqour bottles as ammunition in defense of the citadel seemed the best excuse. The spinny feeling isn't conducive to much of anything but bedtime though. :(
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

LOL, I KNEW IT! :D :cool:
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Post by Demortis »

LIES THEN WHY IS THERE *cuts the elven recon personals head off and holds it up* SCOUTS HERE HUH?!

Medic 01, sir we have the med center up and running. i doubt we'll need it, we are the best trained mercs around.

Bomb unit 01, sir mine field ready. one wrong step and BOOM, there not there anymore. plus, we have some surprises for them. trust us, its going to be one hell of a show.

Rocket Jocky 01,sir we're in place waiting for orders

H.I. 01, sir we're in place and ready to raise hell on your order

M.U. 01, sir we're in place. ready to rain a firery death on the baddies

Artilery 01, you wanted a field of fire sir? we got it covered

Recon 01, sir we have found there location sending cords to you now. we need an areial strike NOW!

*switchs the radios fequency* i need an areial strike at these cords now. i want those birds in the air now! pack them with moabs.

Sir this is, Eagle 01. thats alil close to your postion dont ya think?

no were far enough away. do it
Zombies are not real! The Government is still doin Human trails!

Have you ever wondered why, in a dream you can touch a falling sky? Or fly to the heavens that watch over you. - Godsmack
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Post by Demortis »

ladies cut the chatter we need this channel open.

*listens to the planes fling over head*
*sees the massive bombs being dropped on the postion indicated*
*sniffs the air* ah death and destruction. the smeel of victory. but i cant help but feel that was a distration.

*shouts into his headset* LADIES I WANT YOU TO BE READY. I DONT WANT ANY SURPRISES. GOT ME?! i want scouts to patrol in shifts. i want everyone to work in shifts, we never know when the first attack may come but we shall be ready.
Zombies are not real! The Government is still doin Human trails!

Have you ever wondered why, in a dream you can touch a falling sky? Or fly to the heavens that watch over you. - Godsmack
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Post by Tower_Master »

[QUOTE=Yeltsu]Know that if you should make real of that threat, us clementines will defend the citadel and all it's inhabitants with everything we got!

I myself shall preach against your priests, for I am the preacher of Lady Clementine, High priest of ACE

Our armies shall muster at the fields of the citadel. Battle hardened monks, fierce clerics and crazy kamikaze clementines which will cover you all in greasy orange stuff!

For the alliance![/QUOTE]

LMAO! "Crazy Kamikaze Clementines" - that made my day! Hilarious, man, hilarious. Nice to see such strong allies here in our time of...well, actually, boredom. It's just Maxi's weekly attempt to raize the Citadel. ;)

I may have said this before, but it makes me laugh to see people saying "good night" comments that register as being at 3:00 in the afternoon where I live. Great fun, Great fun.
I sincerely wish we could re-consider this plan from a perspective that involved pants.
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Post by Demortis »

Ladies remember no rest till Comm is destroyed, or maxi and cm give up.

blood makes the grass grow
Zombies are not real! The Government is still doin Human trails!

Have you ever wondered why, in a dream you can touch a falling sky? Or fly to the heavens that watch over you. - Godsmack
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Post by Brynn »

Heathens! :eek: I thought you knew better than to actually click on General Mini's attachments :eek: Just ignore them :D

Demo, nice motto, shall win put it on our flag? :)
Up the IRONS!
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Post by Locke Da'averan »

*sigh* now maxi, will you give up, or do i really have to get my capybara's in the action? i promised them a nice peaceful life, but if you don't stop your foolishness i'll be forced to get them back, and trust me, you have not been here long enough to realize that your cartoons aren't exactly match for a 200lb capybara ninjas.. so just to give you a heads up, pull back if you know what's good for your elves. i trust your privates enjoy having their privates in the place god meant them to be.. :D :D

and FYI this is just a threat, since demo's mercs can handle your elvish army.. btw how do you expect your elves to get into slash distance through a minefield/artillery/mortars/rpg's and yeah there's the ->ARMY<- with AP bullet loaded SMG's/assault rifles etc..
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Post by Fiberfar »

Maxi, are your elves dark elves or regular elves?
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]ONLY RETARDED PEOPLE WRITE WITH CAPS ON. Good thing I press shift :D [/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Bah! Bunch of lamers! Ye need the lesson of the true powergamer: Play mages, name them Koffi Annan, and only use non-intervention spells! Buwahahahahah![/QUOTE]
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Post by ik911 »

Does it matter? They are all assassinated by independent bureaucrats with great intuition.

Yes, it was me who hired them, but that doesn't mean anything. I want a bit of peace and quiet.
[size=-1]An optimist is a badly informed pessimist.[/size]
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Post by Yeltsu »

High priest: Report commander!

Supreme Bashar: High Priest? Our warrior monks are ready for battle. Using their meditation skills they have memorized the location of the mines and can fight there without risk, that should give them a surprise.

High priest: Excellent Bashar, you have done well, what of our clerics?

Supreme Bashar: They are ready to buff themselves and the monks with every spell they got. they will then use magics to search for hidden foes. and lastly they will gate in citrus demons.

High priest: Citrus demons? Those suckers won't know what hit them, what about our CKCs (Crazy Kamikaze Clementines) then?

Supreme Bashar: We have made a plan with the Black Talon morters, they will help spread the CKCs out to the enemy as they advance, causing massive mayhem and disruption

High Priest: Good plan, now leave me, I shall pray to Our Lady now. I'm hoping to gain Her help in a little surprise I am preparing.

Supreme Bashar: Brilliant idea master! I will go and check on the defences of the gate now, it has been reinforced by our dwarven clerics.

High Priest: Very well, dismissed...

Fighting alongside Fibarfar and Demo, this is me, wielding the power of Our Lady!
The Image in Shadow.jpg
This is my signature.
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Guys, relax. They cant get past the electrified fence. Besides, the citadel is in a pocket plane, and I've just realized we can create a ward barrier against the enemy.

But this has been the best proof of our power, we got lotsa armies already :D

COMMies are doomed, if they try something.
Flesh to stone ain't permanent, it seems.
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Post by Bloodmire »

[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Guys, relax. They cant get past the electrified fence. Besides, the citadel is in a pocket plane, and I've just realized we can create a ward barrier against the enemy.

But this has been the best proof of our power, we got lotsa armies already :D

COMMies are doomed, if they try something.[/QUOTE]

woohoo we have won now back to the important matters. the drink! :D

@Luis Antonio: like the pocket plane bit who can argue with that :p
Another cameo appearance from Bloodmire :D
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Well, probabily they'll find a way to do that, but we will be ready to counter-strike, got it?

No harm in delaying their plans thouhg.

So, someone wants to play truco?
Flesh to stone ain't permanent, it seems.
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Post by Mccool »

Just incase I shall ready me blade for to be slaked by maxi's blood.
Aye COMM will fall, and a painfull fall it'l be.
(Bit of Northern Irish Tounge there)
And lo ye must learn of the great war that raged fo a couple of posts and brought the citadel momentaraly to its knees

I tend to appear briefly and disappear very quickly after that, try not to let it bother you.