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Stupid Bernard

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Stupid Bernard

Post by Splatstrid »

At the Copper Coronet, selling goods to Bernard.. I tried selling a "Halberd +2 - 1050 GB" .. When I press sell, it says "I dont accept fenced goods. Give me something else." The Halberd is identified.

Why can't I sell it... and what does it mean??? :confused:
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Post by Shodan »

I remember reading about this somewhere. Some items were flagged as 'stolen' even before you found/looted/bought them.

You can sell them at your local fance. Some prefer to stay in teh filt thats found in the sewers or some do it openly lnear a house in the slum. Some people even say there's a fence in teh thieves HQ. This is all hush hush of course. You didn't get this info from me, k?
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Post by KaaH »

You 'borrowed' it somewhere (and those moral upholding merchants do recognize e v e r y damn item in whole BG2). Well, people who deal in the shade of darkness or like to live where things end that go down the drain are normally not that picky.
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Post by Splatstrid »

uh merci :p I'll just sell it to a thief then...
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Go to the docks, talk to the fence on Maevar guildhouse if you havent killed him yet, or go to the sewers, you may find a fence there. Also, in the docks you may sell the items in the shadow thieves guild, and in the Slums you may sell it during the night to a thief that appears just in front of Jansen family home.
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Post by Splatstrid »

The thief in the slums outside Jansens house, she won't by it either :confused: and I killed the guy at Maevars place.. Where can I sell it in the Sewers?
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Post by Deadalready »

If you pop up a map of the sewers then the thief is directly south of the central pit. Beware though, there are many monsters and dangers in the sewers for the ill prepared.

I might also mention that the thief in Shadow Thief Guild hall buys stolen goods besides Mae'var's Guild hall. Additionally I might go futher to mention that most thieves *won't* buy stolen goods despite what they might insinuate.
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=Splatstrid]The thief in the slums outside Jansens house, she won't by it either :confused: and I killed the guy at Maevars place.. Where can I sell it in the Sewers?[/QUOTE]

Did you try the docks, as suggested, in the Thieves Guild?
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Post by Edar Macilrille »

She (I forgot her name) buys everything. Stolen goods, loot, whatever. The guy atop Gaelan Bayle's house will as well AFAICR, and the guy in the sewers whose name I have also forgotten. How very impolite of me;-)

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Post by Patrick »

the guy in the sewers is Roger the fence or Roger of the Un-der scrag
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