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Zarustha joins the Imperial Legion

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The Great Hairy
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Zarustha joins the Imperial Legion

Post by The Great Hairy »

Gidday all,

A new chapter in the Epic Tale of the Hero Zarustha is drawing to a close as our Paladin wanders around Gnisis, chatting with people and making friends. Zar didn't end up heading over to the East of Vvardenfell, rather from Molag Mar she turned north-west and wandered a bit through the Ashlands, looking for Sulipund and Punabi.

Once those two locations were discovered, Zar completed two Mage Guild quests by asking one mage to join the Guild and another to pay dues. In both cases, Zar's diplomatic and convincing eloquence was enough to sway the reticent mages. Zar then wandered back to Balmora to report her success to the Mage Guild (as well as to sell of some loot).

Then she wandered south, back to Seyda Neen. She explored the several tombs around that area, as well as a shipwreck and a couple of grottos. Gathering absolutely heaps of loot, she Mark/Recalled/Almsivi'ed to sell everything (I'm carrying 36,000 gold now. Nice!).

Zar located Andrano's tomb and gathered up his skull. So she's completed a couple of steps of Caius's tasks so far. She gave the skull to the mage in Balmora, and then headed north to Alh'ruhn. Thinking that she would complete some of the House Redoran quests, she headed off west, looking for this farm with the mudcrab problem. She promptly got lost and ended up in Gnisis instead! So she joined the Legion and is currently wandering around Gnisis, chatting with people.

Zarustha is now 21st Level, END 85, INT 81. Axe 100 (yay!), Marksman 40 (how did that happen??), Alchemy 56, Heavy Armour 74. Still working on Enchant (29) and Mysticism (33). I've found a Dwemer breastplate (nice!), a Dwemer bracer and an Ebony bracer. Bit of a mix-and-match set of armour at the moment.

Will keep you all posted of further progress. :)

Cheers all!
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

Well... dont try MORIA yet... well.. not without 10.000 health potions.. Becuse final boss will wear full suit of daedric and daedric Battle axe..

It isn't moria like in the movie.. but you might find things that are the same in certain lightning.

But as i stated before for orcs and skeletons... you will need to fight withh all of those in same time...

So you have joined to almost every faction on this game.. Well good for you.. but if you create next chracter he or she might not have anything new to do..

But i dont belive that will stop you playing.

But perhaps in near future you could add screen shot of your present chraracter.. so we might see the progress.

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by oozae »

[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]
Thinking that she would complete some of the House Redoran quests, she headed off west, looking for this farm with the mudcrab problem. She promptly got lost and ended up in Gnisis instead!
I got lost too, can someone please post directions for me and TGH? Anyway you seem to be getting along well, if you want to get a good axe (I didn't get it because I don't use axes) then highlight this:

NOTE:this only shows the location of the person you need to speak to, I don't know wether this is an actual spoiler, but just in case it is.

Go to the black shalk inn in vivec foreign quarter, if it's not there then I got the name wrong, it's in lower waistworks.

If you have Tribunal then highlight this for easy money:

Enter bazaar sewers and continue along, don't go into any other places until you get to the place where the woman is, go through door and you should find dark brotherhood, they respawn and have expensive armour which you can sell to the armourer in the great bazaar.
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

As for that house redoran quest... ... 112112.jpg

Those 3 green markers are parts of ''quar farm quests''

The green marker wich is northest is location of that farm and mudcraps are located on swamp region.. that extra marker is part of other house redoran quest.

But as for that Moria thing.. it isn't so thought than i remembered.. but now i use my level 69 character... and last time i used that plugin my dunmer was at level 21..

Little ''God's Frost'' and they all falled on my knees..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

I couldnt find the place either. That helps a lot!
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Post by The Great Hairy »

Thanks for the map Eggy. I managed to find the farm last night, after checking out ... indmap.htm which is also an excellent map (although it is online). I actually walked up to her farm from Caldera and killed the two mad mudcrabs before I got to her... Now she wants me to hunt down some bandits as well! Sheesh. People these days, always needing help. :)

Zar is in Vivic now, to complete some quests and whack some baddies. Will keep you all posted! (Oozae, I'll see if I can get that axe you are talking about!)

Cheers all,
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Post by jopperm2 »

I'm glad you joined the legion, some of my favorite quests.

btw Happy Australia day(a little late I know) :D
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

Well.. here is map wich i use...

(you need to download it)

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by The Great Hairy »

Haven't done any of the Imperial Legion quests as yet - the first one is to deal with the Widow. I'll do that a little later.

Thanks for the Aussie Day wishes. :)

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