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soul hunter
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Post by soul hunter »

who likes collecting dwermer coins. so far i got 985 coins worth 50 each and 2 worth 120 each.
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Post by jopperm2 »

That's a good idea! I never thought of that. Great thing to do with a stronghold. put the nice ones out on the shelf or desk and the rest dump in a chest for safekeeping.
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Post by Alien_Newborn »

I've got about 1,300 in mixed chests all over my assorted residences. At 50 drakes a pop, it's good to know I have a backup income possibility.
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Post by Greg. »

Dwemner coins and jewels are the best things to take from ruins - light, but valuable.

You'll most probably have seen the thing in a sixth house citadel where the regular gold coins are made into a picture - takes ages to pick up.
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Post by oozae »

[QUOTE=Alien_Newborn]I've got about 1,300 in mixed chests all over my assorted residences. At 50 drakes a pop, it's good to know I have a backup income possibility.[/QUOTE]
You know whenever I get loot I store it in hiding places in every town, I have the locations written down on paper.I have about 300-500 thousand worth of stuff scattered around altogether I'm thinking, although it's a bit hard to calculate because I'm always adding stuff so yeah. And I only have like 200 coins so I envy you all, your probably richer than me.
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

I have 53 coins.. found that all in one chest.. but i have 29 full set of dwemer armor..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by Alien_Newborn »

29?? :eek: I only kept 6 for good measure (4 in misc. houses on mannequins + 2 on opposite sides of my bedroom door)
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

Well.. it was long time ago...(i still have that save in somewhere) but killing Venims and all quards then visiting dren plantation and endless looting in dwemer strongholds... then i just downloaded alleyway trader and bough some dwemer sets..

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

Isn`t there any use for dwemer coins exept collecting like u say?There is no mystical city where dwemer coins are like usual ones?Would be nice if there were :)
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Post by fable »

No, they're like everything else the Dwarves made. They furnish quaint tabletop livingroom momentos. ;)
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