P.S. I understand the title is kind of an oxymoron, but not really...
Well for my race i chose breton because out of all the races in the game i am most like a breton, intelligent, not too strong, not too fast, about average in everything accept intelligence.
For my class I chose a custom class specializing in stealth, the class name? "Me" of course
The two major skills i chose were Personality and Willpower because I am very stubborn and not easily influenced by others and I am most comfortable with my personality and my ability to get along with most people
For my skills i chose
Speechcraft-I am very comfortable speaking to large groups of people, I'm not that talkative of a person but when I need to I can be as charming and sweet as required.
Mercantile-On the weekends I enjoy going to flea markets with my girlfriend and bargaining for items that really have no value other than display and conversation pieces.
Alchemy-I love to cook, what can I say?
Armorer-I love to build things and this is the closest skill i can relate that too in morrowind
Marksman-If I have to fight, then I want to be able to snipe my enemies from afar. Plus I live in Texas, who doesn't love to shoot guns in Texas?
Security-I can pick most locks pretty easily, so naturally one would pick this skill right?
Light Armor-Well, I dont wear armor in the real world... But if I did, I dont think that i would be coordinated or fast enough to dodge most attacks unarmored, but i wouldnt want the Slow down of Heavy or Medium armor so i chose light.
Sneak-Like i said, i try to avoid fights, or if i have to fight dirty...
Blunt Weapon-Who doesn't like hitting things with a big stick occasionally?
Hand to Hand-I'm an alright fighter with hand to hand, and I know a little Tai Kwan Do before I quit taking the class, so i chose this skill.
Enchant-I like shiny things
Illusion-Out of all the magic skills, I chose illusion because the spells seem most appealing, Paralyze and Blind? YES!
And for my sign I chose the Lady, it gives a bonus to Personality and Endurance... Both of which i think i would be above average in.
Me speed is really low, like in real life, and so is my strength... lol
Anyway, feel free to post yourself, in Morrowind context of course