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Need Help with Planar Sphere!!!

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Need Help with Planar Sphere!!!

Post by Bodmerocity »

I'm stumped. I've killed every monster and unlocked every room, but I can't figure out where to go from here. How do I get out? How do I kill Lavok (I've got him "near death" and lying on the ground, don't know where to go from there)? Any help would be lovely, because I'm sick of this dungeon.
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Post by Bluestorm »

Hi there........spoiler (i think)
If i remember right Lavok tells you that you need a demon heart to repower the sphere to get you back home so you have to go out side and kill a demon there are 2 or 3 out there then you take the heart back to the room where you found the golems

Hope i got it right

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Post by Bloodstalker »

Lavok should tell you what you need to do after you get him down. Try talking to him. or, you can check the walkthru on this site for more detailed account of how to proceed.

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Post by Bodmerocity »

Lavok won't talk to me, hes kinda just lieing on the ground doing nothing. I click on him with the talk button and it says "Lavok has nothing to say to you". I've also just sat there wailing on him while in that state. Got up from the computer, came back 20 minutes later, and the boys are still working him over, he's still at "near death". whats the dil?
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Post by FireLighter »

Like bluestorm said, Im pretty sure you have to go get the demon heart to power the sphere. Try to go out and get one and if that doesn't work im pretty much out of ideas... Im sure you could take a look at the walkthrough BloodStalker posted. Do you by any chances not have the latest patch? because I think it MAY be a glitch somewhere... The official patch for SoA and ToB is here. Hope this helps you out.
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Post by MitchMc »

When you initially attack Lavoc he is red and then after enough damage is done he goes blue and a dialogue box jumps up , he then tells you all about his problems, deing taken over by "it" and asks for your help. He sends you to go get the deamon heart. depending on what is going on ( Ie you are really pounding him at the time or using area effects) his dialogue does not trigger and he just lies there. I have experienced this myself and read about it on several boards.

Best thing is to go back to a saved game prior to meeting up with him. I always save just before his battle as I worry I'll damage him to much and bugger up things.

If he does not talk to you now then i think you have this bug. If his dialogue had triggered (the help me one) he would say something like " hurry get the heart i can't hold on much longer" or words to that effect.
hope this helps
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Post by fable »

Note that if he talks to you, sends you away on a quest and doesn't reply later, he may have died. This actually happened to me once. :rolleyes: So after he's talked to you, use a potion or two to heal him.
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Post by Bodmerocity »

Well, unfortunatley I had saved over all of my files, so I didn't get a chance to go back and try to get the dialogue box to pop up. What I did do though is exit the sphere, get the demon heart, and return to Athalka. Lavok is currently lying in limbo between life and death. Too bad, but it seems like theres not much I can do about it at this point (I've tried healing him, resurecting him, disintigrating him... no dice on any of my experiments), so I guess I'll just move on and hope the black dude doesn't get pissed that we haven't completley resolved his ancestral issues. Thanks for the tips, guys!

P.S. ,
This game is mack. I bought it at Best Buy in November for 10 bucks, and I've been so busy tinkering with different classes and all of the side quests that I'm still only in Chapter 2! How many are there, by the way?
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Post by FireLighter »

[QUOTE=Bodmerocity]This game is mack. I bought it at Best Buy in November for 10 bucks, and I've been so busy tinkering with different classes and all of the side quests that I'm still only in Chapter 2! How many are there, by the way?[/QUOTE]
There are 6 chapters.

After you get the machine repowered, go talk to lavoc and he and you will appear outside if you agree to take him out so he can die. You should then get the exp and he should die there in the sun.
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