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Set your HP to whatever you want!

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Troika Games' Temple of Elemental Evil.
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Lord Plothos
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Set your HP to whatever you want!

Post by Lord Plothos »

Hi all,

I delved into this matter because I was annoyed at how I got so many 1s and 2s when rolling for HP on level-up. Anyway, it turns out you can set your HP to whatever you want at any time, so you can max out your HP, go beyond the max, or set it whatever you think is fair.

A note, though, that this code fixes the character's HP BEFORE adding a con modifier, so setting a first level rogue with a con of 14 to 30 HP will result in the rogue having 32 HP, not 30. Setting that same rogue to 30 at level 2 will yield 34 HP (=+2 twice, once for each level). The game keeps track of the total you have ROLLED with your characters various hit dice, then adds (con mod * character level) to that total. This code only modifies the rolled number.

Anyway, for those interested, call up the console by holding shift and pressing the ~ key (you must have patch 2.0 installed for this to work) and type this (to make the first character's rolled hp 30):[0].stat_base_set(stat_hp_max,30)

The [0] will target the first character in your party. Making it [1] will target character 2, and so on. Change the last number, 30, to whatever you want your pre-con modifier HP to be.

If it doesn't work, and you have just booted up the game, try typing this first:

from utilities import *

And if that fails, try playing for a while first. Some people still have problems, but it worked for me and many others. Finally, no more dreading level-ups.
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Post by jeremiah »

Thanks. I read the more detailed thread in co8 forums. Really helpful not having to reroll for many, many attempts LOL.
Life is an adventure
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