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Sorc Spell Progression/Help

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Sorc Spell Progression/Help

Post by Illuman »

Hey, I know that the regular Gamebanshee website used to have the complete spell progression for sorcs on it. However, I recently looked and found nothing. Since I am starting to play a sorc, I would like to have a general idea of how many spells per level I have to work with, so if anyone knows where I may be able to find this, it would be very helpful. Also, I dont remember what the primary stat for sorcerors 3rd edition it is it the same for BG2? I already checked the manual for information regarding this and found nothing, so any help would be great! Thanks!
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Post by araknid70 »

The primary stat in BG2 is intelligence, although I have a feeling it doesn't really matter, since the sorceror can't write spells into his spellbook, and there's no spell penetration in BG2. I'm not sure if there's a limit to what spell levels you can cast with a limited intelligence. AFAICR that's for 3rd Ed.
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Post by Deadalready »

Charisma does nothing for your Sorceror in BG 2: SOA and funnily enough neither does Intelligence.

If you have the expansion set Throne of Bhaal then you would want to have full wisdom and full intelligence but otherwise they're rather pointless.

As a side note if you have less than 9 intelligence you won't be able to cast spells from scrolls (which you may want to do at some point).


As far as spell progression from memory I think they go somewhere along these lines. I have no idea how many casts are available per day for the sorceror.

Level 1: 5 Spell picks
Level 2: 5 Spell picks
Level 3: 4 Spell picks
Level 4: 4 Spell picks
Level 5: 4 Spell picks
Level 6: 3 Spell picks
Level 7: 3 Spell picks
Level 8: 3 Spell picks
Level 9: 3 Spell picks
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Post by Nightmare »

Also, IIRC, you need at least 14 or 15 intelligence to use wands.
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Post by VonDondu »

Wands require INT 9 or higher. Sorcerers can't start with less than 9, so all Sorcerers are able to use wands (unless they lose INT points along the way). Intelligence has no effect on how many spells they can learn or cast per day. None of the other stats (such as Charisma) has any effect that I'm aware of, either.

I don't know how to format a chart to where you could read it on here, so I'll just list some basic information.

Level 1 Spells
At 7th Level and above, your Sorcerer can cast 5 different Level 1 spells up to 6 times a day.

Level 2 Spells
At 7th-8th Level, your Sorcerer can cast 3 different Level 2 spells up to 6 times a day. At 9th Level, he gains one extra Level 2 spell. At 11th Level, he gains one more Level 2 spell. The casting limit remains at 6 times a day.

Level 3 Spells
At 7th Level, your Sorcerer can cast 2 different Level 3 spells up to 4 times a day. At 8th Level, he can cast those two spells up to 5 times a day. At 9th Level, he gains an extra Level 3 spell, and the casting limit is increased to 6 times a day. At 11th Level, he gains a fourth Level 3 spell. Somewhere above 18th Level, he gains a fifth Level 3 spell.

Level 4 Spells
At 8th Level, your Sorcerer can cast one Level 4 spell up to 3 times a day. At 9th Level, he gains a second Level 4 spell, and the casting limit is increased to 4 times a day. At 10th Level, the casting limit is increased to 5 times a day. At 11th Level, he gains an extra Level 4 spell, and the casting limit is increased to 6 times a day. Somewhere above 18th Level, he gains a fifth Level 4 spell.

Level 5 Spells
At 10th Level, your Sorcerer can cast one Level 5 spell up to 3 times a day. At 11th Level, he gains a second Level 5 spell, and the casting limit is increased to 4 times a day. At 12th Level, the casting limit is increased to 5 times a day. At 13th Level, he gains a third Level 5 spell, and the casting limit is increased to 6 times a day. At 15th Level, he gains a fourth Level 5 spell. Somewhere above 18th Level, he gains a fifth Level 5 spell.

Level 6 Spells
At 12th Level, your Sorcerer can cast one Level 6 spell up to 3 times a day. At 13th Level, he gains a second Level 6 spell, and the casting limit is increased to 4 times a day. At 14th Level, the casting limit is increased to 5 times a day. At 15th Level, he gains a third Level 6 spell, and the casting limit is increased to 6 times a day. Somewhere above 18th Level, he gains two more Level 6 spells. At 18th Level and higher, you can choose a Special Ability that will increase the casting limit to 7 times a day.

Level 7 Spells
At 14th Level, your Sorcerer can cast one Level 7 spell up to 3 times a day. At 15th Level, he gains a second Level 7 spell, and the casting limit is increased to 4 times a day. At 16th Level, the casting limit is increased to 5 times a day. At 17th Level, he gains a third Level 7 spell, and the casting limit is increased to 6 times a day. Somewhere above 18th Level, he gains two more Level 7 spells. At 19th Level and higher, you can choose a Special Ability that will increase the casting limit to 7 times a day (after you choose the one that lets you cast an extra Level 6 spell).

Level 8 Spells
At 16th Level, your Sorcerer can cast one Level 8 spell up to 3 times a day. At 17th Level, he gains a second Level 8 spell, and the casting limit is increased to 4 times a day. At 18th Level, the casting limit is increased to 5 times a day. Somewhere above 18th Level, he gains two more Level 8 spells, and the casting limit is increased to 6 times a day. At 20th Level and higher, you can choose a Special Ability that will increase the casting limit to 7 times a day (after you choose the one that lets you cast an extra Level 7 spell).

Level 9 Spells
At 18th Level, your Sorcerer can cast one Level 9 spell up to 3 times a day. You can also select Special Abilities that add new spells to your repertoire, such as Comet, Dragon's Breath, Improved Alacrity, etc. By the time you reach the TOB experience cap, he can cast four Level 9 Wizard spells and all of the spells from the Special Abilities list up to 6 times a day.

That ought to get you started.
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Post by lompo »

Int. and Cha. are not important for a sorc., but wisdom can be useful: there are the 2 wish spells (a 7th and a 9th) that will grant you wishes based on your wisdom; specially the latter needs high wisdom to grant you succesful good wishes, so a wisdom of 18 would be a good option if you are planning to invest in these spells. Alternativly you can cast the spells and have your cleric (that should have an high wisdom9 talk with the Genie.
That said I would max Dex, Con. (to 16), and Wis., distribute the rest of your points to your liking, you want lose/gain much with the other stats.
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Post by Nightmare »

I'm pretty sure I was playing a rogue, with UAI, and he couldn't use wands because his INT of 13 wasn't high enough...

Could be wrong though.
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