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best/favorite race/class

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best/favorite race/class

Post by ElfEleven »

im sure this has been asked many times before but im hoping to find out what races and classes have worked the best in neverwinter as far a utilising all or most of their skills and feats from you far more experienced neverwinter nights players.
as a 25 year d&d veteran, i understand that its best to play what you feel most comfortable with or what would give the greatest challenge or bring the most interest, but i also understand that some skill and/or feats just
never really come into play within some computer rpgs.
( as in, are you really going to use appraise much?)
so im hoping to find what has worked for others that goes beyond just personal favs, or maybe its your fav because it works so well in this game.
so has anyone found any completely useless skills, feats or spells?
or a class or package that just doesnt have a fair amount of magic items, or is really weak in gameplay and plot, and totally at a disadvantage?
i would appreciate any feedback and suggestions.
until then i will keep creating all sorts of combinations to take through the prelude until one just clicks...
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Post by Noober »

In most cases Human > others. My favorite, and also the best, class is Sorc.
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Post by Fat Puck »

Humans have definitely more skills. However I think the fighter can give you a great satisfaction, exp if you have devastating/overwhelming critical and if you combine it with weapon master. In spite of that, fighter can suffer a lot against magic and the only tactics is to disrupt mages' concentration and kill them before they even speak. Fighter also= more feats.
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Post by Fat Puck »

I'm sorry for this new post: I think also monk could be great because is almost self-sufficient. I mean, he can heal himself, he's deadly quick, he doesn't need weapons and gets a lot of immunities (anyway, it always depends on the level you're playing it).
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Post by Dragonosopher »

[QUOTE=Noober]In most cases Human > others. My favorite, and also the best, class is Sorc.[/QUOTE]

Sorcs all the way. i made a straight up sorc, no pristige classes, and he was unstoppable. also, for some reason i get annoyed if i dont play elven. I cant stand having to make active search checks, and i find the stats given to elves to fit my play style perfectly.
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Post by Raumoheru »

hmmmm i tried playing a sorc and thot he was really incredibly weak. maybe i just dont know how to use em right..

i like playing a monk
or a fighter with armor that has SR
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Post by koz-ivan »

Raumoheru wrote:hmmmm i tried playing a sorc and thot he was really incredibly weak. maybe i just dont know how to use em right..
sorc's can be pretty tricky to use effectively, pick a few "wrong" spells or feats and it's tough to overcome.
i like playing a monk
or a fighter with armor that has SR
monk's are pretty cool, all sorts of cool tricks, powerful enough in melee, great saves.

fave race - humans, though i did have a thing for gnomish wizards...

on a similar note - i'm becoming a big fan of paladins - esp in sou.
1. - good attacks, what they lack in weapon spec. they can gain w/ their spells, holy avenger and smite.

2. - good saves - though admittedly this isn't that big a deal in the oc where there is an item to protect you from anything you need.

3. - protection from evil - for a 1st level spell it seems insanely usefull.

4. - decent hit points.

5. - versatility (see above). in the oc's they seem to have all the skills they need, in class diplomatic skills, fighting skills, some spells, healing, ect ect.
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Post by Dragonosopher »

am I the only guy here who plays elves on a regular basis?
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Post by Raumoheru »

i always play a half elf

does that count?
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Post by Dragonosopher »

Half elf?

I guess they are usefull in a few ways, but i see either going normal elf, or human having greater advantages.

Half elf is not an effective compromise in my opinion. it just seems a weaker elf to me, but thats just my opinion.
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Post by RenigadeRhino »

dont worry, im an elf player too. i dont think ive ever made a char that ive stuck with that wasnt an elf.
i love their being able to search without having to activate it.
their immune to sleep, and get heaps of skill bonuses.
i just enjoy them a whole lot more than other races.
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Post by Fat Puck »

I always play elf when I decide to have a female character because... they're really cute! If I remember I never played a male elf. Only a male half-elf ranger.

Only once I played a half-orc (barbarian-fighter): very stupid, no diplomatic, very evil, but a real death-bringer. But I got annoyed by the fact I like having the option to be diplomatic and he was too stupid, no wise and a little charismatic.

I tried to play a dwarf for the dwarf defender, but he was too "static".

I liked a thief-assassin halfling who was deadly with his sneak-death attacks.

Never played a gnome.
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Post by Criyton »

I love playing as elves. Same as Rhino i havent found a character i liked that wasnt an elf. Bioware and the rest of the people making these games need to improve a couple things in my opinions like the elves ability to rapidly fire bows(pisses me off that a elf fires at the same rate with the same penalties as a human) but what can i do about that. As for a favorite class i find it fairly easy to hack and slash through anything with a straight up fighter. Mages have a really hard time starting out because of their low hp and the familiars arnt that great either,and even when they become more powerful they cant remember enough spells to take on a whole dungeon without resting a few times. Rouges are fun to play with sneak attacks especially with a rank in shadowdancer for the hide in plain site feat. Pop in kill and pop out of sight for anotehr..... but its so much work when you have 50 kobolds or drow stormign at you with swords arrows and spells. I personally hated that there is no domains for clerics and druids or subraces. It just limits the whole aspect of a rpg to a hey make it our way or dont play at all. I seriously hope the fix it all in NwN2 but rolly they wont. Thank Mystra for the people who took the time to create cloaks and scabbards in the nwvault and make it somewhat more realistic and fun. I LIKE seeing my character draw swords fom scabbards and not from somewhere in his lower back end. If you some of my advice as a moderate player go ahead and use elves or humans. Though a elf with high dex for his AC weilding two light weapons and the Weapon Finesse feat to have his attack rolls also depend on that Dex makes a very good character and saves you some ability points to put twards Con or maybe Int for some arcana. True you may not get as great of criticals but you can so easily raise your dex with items it isnt even funny thus giving you the ability to deal some very nice damage very quickly. If you go Weaponmaster you can beef up your critical multipliers to a devastating effect.
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Post by Screaming Johny »

Since the question is favourite, my favourite race is halfling, and favourite class is theif. Basically, I like the kind of character everyone underestimates.

Having said that, I should point out that this is not a very powerful character in NWN (which kind of annoys me to be honest). This type of character was much more powerful in Baldur's Gate II. Maybe I am just building him wrong. Hey, I think I'll start a thread about it and ask.
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Post by Criyton »

on a side note i misinturpreted the Weapon Finesse which doesnt put Dex twards attacking but the rool for the hit... my bad...... BUT Elves STILL RULE!!
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Post by Lady-Rose »


My favorite would have to be human, because I like to think like my character. Since I'm no elf (reminds me of a vulcan, Spock anyone?), I prefer to keep it somewhat real, and a bit more challenging. Sorcs rule. If they are too lame beginning, start them high level. NWN_Platinum, Create character in HoU-Chp1 (takes you right to level 15), then use that character in the beginning. A bit too easy if you ask me, so be sure to reset your options (ie. easy vs. hard).I did the first chapter both ways, and I definently prefer the level 15 character on the harder setting. I do agree that it depends on your preference though. I tried to play a straight fighter and found it to be easy and dull. To each his own. I think I'll try an assassin next. It's always fun to do it new.
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Post by Arrylium »

Elves all the way for me. And rogues all the way for me. NWN, BGII, whatever - I play the closest thing I can make to an elven rogue.
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Post by Squee »

yes, elves are absolutely the best and the coolest race! humans are good enough... haha...
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Post by vertibird »

Half Orc

My favorite char in NwN is Half-Orc fighter/barbarian .I started the game with 20str ,12dex[full plate armor has +1dex max ,so 12dex fits nicely] ,14cons ,8wis,10int and 6 cha[no need persuasion much I am chaotic evil :) ]
I really had fun with this char ,through the game I never had difficulty with any creature ,I just plainly attacked anyone I saw with my greataxe and knockdown the mages, and in the last chapters ,with my 35str [with rage this score is not going further so my rage became half-useless :( ] I chopped every boss in my path with ease.I also collected 760.000gold ;)

***But now I have a bad problem : In chapter 4 where two dragons attack you; I slayed them ,then I opened the two guardian gates but I CANNOT ENTER THE CAVE ,it seems my half orc is too tall or large to enter the cave :(
I left click the cave in many positions and I also try right click and try to press use ,but only examine option is available for this entrance.***

Because of this bug I just cannot finish this game, any advice for me maybe?
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Post by Proceed »

The extra feat and skill points give humans an edge in my opinion. I only played 2 charcter types, but thought they were both excellent. I played a druid (which as a class has improved somewhat since BGII) - a decent fighter and you can recruit a small army to follow you (your animal companion, an animal which you have charmed, a summonned animal and a henchman- note will lower exp you can gain if you have too many buddies) - Animals/ summoned creatures are far better than those in BGII - they seem harder and often have their own feats (often akin to other class types)- plus you can heal your animal companion just by talking to it. Spells are good too, combine with the maximise damage feat and use call lightning to kick serious ass - plus you can morph into a red dragon at higher levels! If multiclass to a monk you get all the unarmed bonuses to use when you shapechange!
I also played a blackguard- Fighter with backstab capabilities- nuff said!
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