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Hint: how to get two rings of Kangaxx

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Hint: how to get two rings of Kangaxx

Post by Onuaryith »

I was just about to complete the quest of Kangaxx when I tried something out. My main char is Fighter/Thief so I hasted my main and gave the torso, arm and leg to the Kangaxx. Just when he appeared I picked his pockets and got the _first_ ring. Now I just fleed so my traps would go off and the Lich would die. When the demi lich appeared I used whatever strategy possible to kill him. Then I just looted his body for the _second_ ring :)

Don't know if this is a highly known bug but just thought of posting it.
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Post by fable »

It is--highly known, that is. Remember, these forums have been up for roughly 6 years. Before posting cheese or cheats, do a Search to see if anybody else has posted the same, before. ;)

And welcome to the forums! :)
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Post by Onuaryith »

Crap! :) I blame beer... No, wait! CANADA!

And thanks :)
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Post by SP101 »

Why is it always our fault? :confused: :(
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Post by fable »

Go to SYM to spam, you, you...spammers! :rolleyes: :D
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