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Goblins ala chateau....

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Goblins ala chateau....

Post by FireLighter »

I am currently restarting with a new character and am going through chateau Irenicus for exp and items... I have come across goblins (the ones by the archer with arrows of biting) and have found a large shield +1. I was wondering if the items dropped by goblins are completely random, as I have found items ranging from true sight scroll, to scale mail +1, to now this. I am just looking for a simple one answer reply :D . Are the items completely random with magical items being rare?
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Post by Deadalready »

I think difficultly level has a bit to do with it, though I've never seen such cool drops as yours.

One thing I am certain of though is in my previous games where the difficultly was easy and normal, compared to core and higher I didn't find high level scrolls like pierce magic off goblins. It could be that you have patches and such but then again I've never seen anything interesting besides higher level scrolls drop.
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