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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Post by werebeargoddess »

[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]No worries, glad to be of any help. :) Enjoy your new PC.

I'll looking forward to seeing some more PCs on here - dragon wench? fable? Where are yours? (Pokes wearbeargoddess - and yours? :p )


can't get mine up until the weekend. I have too much homework to do tonight, and I seriously doubt I'll be on tomorrow, so my information stuff will have to wait.
I wanted to change my sig, but I can't think of anything to change it to :(
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Post by jopperm2 »

Argh! :mad:
I remembered to write it down and everything last night, but I couldn't because my daughter is sick and I couldn't risk waking her up. :( Poor little thing.
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Post by Godslayer »

Well Locke snd Oozae, i guess you DO have a point......I think I'll start a new character and won't use any permanent spells. In my defense 1. It was my FIRST character EVER, and I thought "whoa, I can become like a God" and, 2. I still had to figure out all the puzzles by myself, and my high stats didn't always help. But, I'll take your advice and play without using spells.
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Post by oozae »

It is good to know someone has acted on my advice :D
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Post by jopperm2 »

Okay folks, here it is... My personal favorite character.

Name: Decaeus
Race: Imperial
Class: Legionnaire
Sign: The Lady
Reputation: 13
Level: 36.1
Health: 381
Fatigue: 362
Strenngth: 115
Intelligence: 64
Willpower: 58
Agility: 89
Speed: 83
Endurance: 100
Personality: 129
Luck: 52
Long Blade: 100
Athletics: 70
Sneak: 44
Security: 54
Speachcraft: 71
Medium Armor: 37
Heavy Armor: 105
Spear: 39
Acrobatics: 75
Block: 51
Armorer: 12
Blunt Weapon: 16
Axe: 12
Enchant: 25
Destruction: 22
Alteration: 8
Illusion: 6
Conjuration: 6
Mysticism: 25
Restoration: 6
Alchemy: 20
Light Armor: 12
Short Blade: 22
Marksman: 6
Mercantile: 50
Hand to Hand: 45
Temple: Layman
Hlaalu: Grandmaster
Figthers: Protector
Morag Tong: Associate
Ashlanders: Clanfriend
Blades: Operative
Legion: Knight of the Imperial Dragon
Mages: Journeyman
East Empire Company: Expelled
Fists of Randagulf
Her Hands' Boots, Greaves, and Pauldrons
Lord's Mail
Masque of Clavicus Vile
Saint's Shield

Lots of fun!! :D
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Post by Illistil »

Name: Illistil Talyrin
Race: Dunmer
Class: Malindra

Level: 74
Life: 652
Fatigue: 560

[All Attributes and Skills are with armor/jewellery enchantment bonuses only]
Strength 136
Intelligence 135
Willpower 110
Speed 100
Agility 135
Endurance 140
Personality 100
Luck 92

Major Skills:
Longblade 100
Blunt Weapon 100
Heavy Armor 105
Destruction 100
Marksman 100

Minor Skills:
Block 100
Security 100
Mysticism 100
Acrobatics 110
Athletics 100

Armor Rating: 316

Reputation: 110

I started to play this character again but was soon bored because there was nothing to do... I was also discouraged by all of the cliff racers.
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Post by Locke Da'averan »

@godslayer: it's not that you shouldn't use the spells in the game, but when posting stats of your char it doesn't make sense to have spell effects active since you can buff everything through the roof.. i've never used alchemy in the game not even once, not because it's cheesy, i didn't even know it was before checking gb's morrowind threads, but because i didn't care about it and was too lazy to actually learn it.. but the point is,

with oozit's :D approval the chars should only be having CE equipment stat modifications active when listing their stats..

@TGH:easiest way to get stats high is becoming a vampire after getting skills to 100 it gives you enormous stat boosts if joining the right guild and making equipment that enhance the abilities you need (in my case strength) comes in mind..
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Post by The Great Hairy »

You can actually become a vampire?!? Damn, this game has everything! Everything! Wowsers.

I don't think Zar will do that though, being what she is. And Rosh is much more interested in other things. But my evil necromancer on the other hand... Being a vampire would be quite cool for her. :D

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Post by jopperm2 »

You can be a werewolf too since you have bloodmoon. I think that's a little more managable. :cool: (I wear sunglasses at night)
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Post by DARK SAGE »

Character Name-DARK SAGE
Race-Dark Elf


Heavy Armour-63

Long Blade-100

Medium Armour-63
Blunt Weapon-100
Spear-46(dont really like spears,mainly because i have not found any good ones.......yet)
Light Armour-92
Short Blade-75

Thirsk-Chieftain(Highest Rank)
Temple-Patriarch(Highest Rank)
Imperial Cult-Primate(Highest Rank)
Great House Telvanni-Archmagistra(Highest Rank)
Fighters Guild-Master(Highest Rank)
Morag Tong-Grandmaster(Highest Rank)
Mages Guild-Arch-Mage(Highest Rank)
East Empire Company-Factor(Highest Rank)
Great Houses-Hortator(Highest Rank)

SIGN-The Shadow


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Post by The Great Hairy »

You want good spears? Install the House of Spears mod. Some great ones available once that mod is up and running.

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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

[QUOTE=The Great Hairy]You want good spears? Install the House of Spears mod. Some great ones available once that mod is up and running.

That thing requires Tribunal...

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by oozae »

Why would it require Tribunal? And Wrath, if you truly loved Morrowind you would get both expansions, I am so disapointed in you :(
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

[QUOTE=oozae]Why would it require Tribunal? And Wrath, if you truly loved Morrowind you would get both expansions, I am so disapointed in you :( [/QUOTE]


I truly loved and i still love IWD1.. but i havent bought expansion pack..

Then i realy dont care much about NWN.. and i have both expansions..

But as it requiring Tribunal.. when i tried that plugin year ago it didn't work becuse it had Tribunal required thing on it.. then with tribunal CS changed someway.. so things would be created more easily or something.. I am not an expert on this matter. Is someone 100% sure about this matter?

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by lifeishell91 »

lvl. - 46
Altmer / High Elf
Witch (Custom Class)
Rep. - 38
Bounty - 0 (currently)
Strength - 95
Intelligence - 100 (125 with enchantment)
Willpower - 100
Agility - 54
Speed - 100
Endurance - 64
Personality - 66
Luck - 46
Destruction - 98
Conjuration - 100
Blunt Weapon - 100
Unarmerd - 82
Alteration - 75
Mysticism - 75
Illusion - 60
Enchant - 66
Alchemy - 68
Restoration - 42
Block - 20
Armorer - 5
Medium Armour - 64
Heavy Armour - 20
Long Blade - 70
Axe - 7
Spear - 5
Athletics - 42
Security - 6
Sneak - 6
Acrobatics - 36 (44 with enchantment)
Light Armour - 18
Shortblade - 5
Merchantile - 7
Speechcraft - 1
Hand-to-Hand - 5
Temple - Patriarch (Finished)
Telvanni - Archmagister (Finished)
Mages Guild - Arch-Mage (Finished)
Imperial Cult - Disciple
Blades - Novice (Only gave in package)
Tribunal Main Quest - Finished
Health - 221/221
Magicka - 319/563 (608 with enchantment)
Fatigue - 313/313
Her Scimitar
Dreugh Cuirass
Dwemer Sheild
Ebony Closed Helm
Ebony Pouldrons L+R
Ebony Bracers L+R
Glass Boots
Glass Greaves
Denstagmers Ring
Dress of Oceans (Self)
-CE Water walking + Restore Fatigue 6pts
Mara's Blouse
Marara's Ring
Necromancer's Amulet
Shadow Belt (Self)
-CE Night-Eye 40pts
Vanessa's Pants of Healing (Self)
-Restore Health 2pts
Bralizar's Mazed Band
17K Gold
This is one of my favourite characters, not my best, but one of my favourites. Her residences include the Hlaalu Mansion in Balmora and Tel Uvirith in the middle of nowhere and Sotha Sil's own Dome. The reason I have her decked out in a variety of Armour is because I am now trying to increase all of her armour skills and long blade. I am not using the best items, for example, the sheild, I am using a Dwemer one instead of say Eilodens Ward, only becuase with this outfit it looks like she can kick-butt :)
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

My best character had at least 100 on everything, level, strength etc, major, minor, and misc skills. That took me about one year, the week after I stopped with the dark elf character. I found this website. I still have him, but I dont use him any more. Way to easy. Oh yea, i think with enchantments he had the longblade skill of 1000, and strength of like 500. It got way too easy and I hate powergaming. But, some advice, get your enchant skill up to 100, and any skill is more than easy to get to 100 to.

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Post by fable »

I've removed some unrelated stuff from the thread. Guys, if you want to post spam, go to SYM (Speak Your Mind), our forum for non-game stuff. If you want to ask questions that aren't the subject of the thread, please don't kidnap it. Start a new thread. Thanks.
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Post by fable »

Character: Vlade
Health: 172
Fatigue: 328
Level: 20
Race: Breton
The Apprentice

Strength: 86
Intelligence: 100
Willpower: 87
Agility: 79
Speed: 40
Endurance: 76
Personality: 49
Luck: 43

Alchemy: 100
Illusion: 66
Long Blade: 100
Heavy Armor: 100
Destruction: 65

Alteration: 72
Enchant: 66
Conjuration: 53
Mysticism: 77
Restoration: 66

Block: 63
Smithing: 13
Medium Armor: 48
Blunt Weapons: 39
Axe: 9
Speak: 39
Athletics: 70
Unarmored: 24
Security: 51
Sneak: 24
Acrobatics: 34
Light Armor: 67
Short Blade: 40
Marksman: 26
Mercantile: 21
Speech: 30
Hand-to-Hand: 7

No constant effects. Mod used to give back 1/10th a point of magicka per minute throughout the game (affects enemies, too).
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
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