I started a new game on the Difficult Setting and was unable to use my Demo Skill as I did in easier levels. T3 was not able to pick up the mines outside the Ebon Hawk in the tutorial, luckily the was a mine in the stuck missile. Later on, again using T3, when I was trying to use some of the mines I found to open the stuck door by Hanger 25(?) and His Demo skill isn't high enough. But on low difficulties, I am able to place them. Does the difficult setting decrease the effectiveness of your skills?
And for some reason I didn't have enough Computer Spikes to open the door to the Fuel Depot, so I was stuck.
Yeah, you get Deadly mines which are above your demolition skill. You need to go to the console and remotely blow up a droid inside the storage room. That will open the door and you'll get the spikes you need.