i have finished all three lessons with handmaiden, and she has agreed to learn the ways of the force, but it says it will happen in time, how long do i have to wait?
Have some patience.
Just because your post hasn't been answered in 20 minutes, is no reason to post in it again .
If somebody can help you they will when they have time. You can't expect people to answer the minute you post.
You need to be VERY careful what you say to her. I was lucky and got it all right the frist time. But if you DID get the "You shall be trained as.." pick her and go get some exp.
i got her all the way up
i have tons of influence, so much that atris thought we were love mates
i fought atris, then let her live
and i heard handmaidens real name, but she is still not a jedi
im so frustrated
Did you try to take her to the Force place on Nar Shaddaa where you have to take Mira? I haven't gotten Handmaiden to be a Jedi yet but that was my thought...
no that wouldnt make sense, thats for myra because i told her i would show her how to listen to her surroundings, and also she was raised on nar shadaa