My Sw Kotr Iii
My Sw Kotr Iii
Hi guys, here is my idea for the 3rd game in the series, hope you enjoy and please feel free to reply back.
Star Wars - Knights of the old republic 3 - The Two Forces
Story : Set 10 years after SWKOTR II,two young trainee jedi's who are close friends and who is being trained by Master Shintor Beerus at the jedi acadamy on Coruscant. Both these Jedi wannabes are far a head in understanding the force than most of the fellow trainees in the academy.The two jedi wannabes are so powerful that many jedi's believe they can become the most powerful jedi's ever. As for the ongoing battle between the jedi and the sith, things have been very quiet but a sith lord called Lord Vak invisions a way to get back at the jedi and that way is to take there most prize possessions and that being the two jedi wannabe's and turn them to the dark side. Lord Vak plans for the sith to attack the jedi academy and take the two jedi's and turn them to the dark side. We see the invasion take place and many jedi's are killed during this vicious battle and then we see Lord Vak confront the two young jedi's, the one Jedi who is the more arrogent of the two allows his temper to get the better of him and attacks Lord Vak but he soon finds out that he fighting a losing battle. Being a true friend the other Jedi helps his friend but it's two late as Vok kills the arrogent jedi and knocks out the other Jedi out.
The game starts with you awaking on a space ship with other Jedi's who has escaped from Sith, your first task is to find out what happened and where your going. As you progress through the game your character invisions your friend dying by the hands of Vak but also of strange visions of the future which involves a action packed battle with your former friend. In the game you will have to out why you having these visions, trying to turn your friend back to the light side,destroy this secret weapon capable of destroying the jedi for once and for all.
I would personally like to see some old faces like Cath etc....
Star Wars - Knights of the old republic 3 - The Two Forces
Story : Set 10 years after SWKOTR II,two young trainee jedi's who are close friends and who is being trained by Master Shintor Beerus at the jedi acadamy on Coruscant. Both these Jedi wannabes are far a head in understanding the force than most of the fellow trainees in the academy.The two jedi wannabes are so powerful that many jedi's believe they can become the most powerful jedi's ever. As for the ongoing battle between the jedi and the sith, things have been very quiet but a sith lord called Lord Vak invisions a way to get back at the jedi and that way is to take there most prize possessions and that being the two jedi wannabe's and turn them to the dark side. Lord Vak plans for the sith to attack the jedi academy and take the two jedi's and turn them to the dark side. We see the invasion take place and many jedi's are killed during this vicious battle and then we see Lord Vak confront the two young jedi's, the one Jedi who is the more arrogent of the two allows his temper to get the better of him and attacks Lord Vak but he soon finds out that he fighting a losing battle. Being a true friend the other Jedi helps his friend but it's two late as Vok kills the arrogent jedi and knocks out the other Jedi out.
The game starts with you awaking on a space ship with other Jedi's who has escaped from Sith, your first task is to find out what happened and where your going. As you progress through the game your character invisions your friend dying by the hands of Vak but also of strange visions of the future which involves a action packed battle with your former friend. In the game you will have to out why you having these visions, trying to turn your friend back to the light side,destroy this secret weapon capable of destroying the jedi for once and for all.
I would personally like to see some old faces like Cath etc....
I would quite like to see KOTOR III or 4 link up to the film episode one some how as opposed to having them set years befor where its seems like the story line has just been made up for the purpose of a game. You no introduce yoda an quigon jin (think dats how u spell it). Well dats just one of my many fantasies, lol.
Rock on, Rock hard & don't look back!!!
- Tetinator2
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- Ergophobia
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That last suggestion just isn't very RPG-ish. You'd have to reset the character back to level 1, which just plain sucks, story-wise (they've both already started from scratch again once
) We could take another character from 1 or 2, though.
EDIT: that might have sounded more offensive than I meant. I just think it wouldn't work, either for the story or for the gameplay. (starting with a lvl 20 character and a lot of force powers, it's just... y'know...)
EDIT: that might have sounded more offensive than I meant. I just think it wouldn't work, either for the story or for the gameplay. (starting with a lvl 20 character and a lot of force powers, it's just... y'know...)
- fable
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[QUOTE=Tetinator2]I think it should continue with the Galaxy falling under sith control, the jedi gonne(exept you, a young padawan, and Revan somewhere out there). You must travel the galaxy, find Revan, restore the jedi order. With sidequests like finding force sensitives to train and stuff like that.[/QUOTE]
Could work. It's a fairly standard computer RPG plot; Origin Systems used something like that to have you deal with the closed teleport gates in Ultima VI, and the local ethical dilmenas in Ultima VII: The Black Gate. What would make or break this is how all the details are handled. And I suspect the game would have to be part-strategy, too, selecting specific followers to go out and train, or explore, or lead forces in "cleansing" different worlds. Probably too much innovation and resources called for from a company that likes to make its money quickly.
Could work. It's a fairly standard computer RPG plot; Origin Systems used something like that to have you deal with the closed teleport gates in Ultima VI, and the local ethical dilmenas in Ultima VII: The Black Gate. What would make or break this is how all the details are handled. And I suspect the game would have to be part-strategy, too, selecting specific followers to go out and train, or explore, or lead forces in "cleansing" different worlds. Probably too much innovation and resources called for from a company that likes to make its money quickly.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
The True Purpose of the 2nd Game
the story you wrote is almost exactly like the first 2 games. And anyways
clues to the third story has been told in the 2nd game. In the end depending on your choices in the beginning, carth talks to you after the battle of telos and states that Revan went out to stop something he started during the mandalorian war. That's a clue right there. Who knows what it could be maybe a powerful artifact that has a mysterious power that he activated or even a resurrected, long forgotten sith lord that is the main source of the sith teachings in the unknown regions that brings back the traditions of the sith to fallen jedi or maybe it could be where the sith are striking from. Remember all the vanishing jedi? Well it's possible that most of the jedi were captured or brought to revan in the unknown regions to protect the jedis or if in the darkside captured to be converted to sith. What happened to all the other jedi enclaves? on coruscant and other planets? There were no mentions of them. So I assume that some of the jedi vanished for a certain reason not just assassinated by the sith. During the first game the jedi councils in coruscant was still full of jedi because if it was just the sith that killed them then the core worlds would have been conquered by the sith already. What happened to juhani and jolee bindo? Jolee bindo was not killed or died in between the 5 years, they vanished also and bastila was an exile jedi hiding somewhere with carth. The droids memories were wiped for a reason not by mistake. At the end the exile jumped into the unknown regions in search of revan. And somewhere in the game kreia states that the mandalorians were ordered by something else out there to try and conquer the republic. All these clues lead to the unknown regions where revan is and maybe all the vanished jedis.
Also at the end after kreia's battle she says that you must go to the unknown regions where revan is and where the true sith is and where the true sith is and the great war that is to come. This is another clue stating that the real threat of the galaxy is in the unknown regions and that a war will come. But this war could be the galactic civil war where the rebels and the imperials fight. The sith is a belief like kreia described it and revan has gone to fight it in the unknown regions. She also states that the true war is not the republic but the sith empire that still exists on korriban and malachor 5 and the unknown regions where revan is and that is what he is doing. The sith empire is in the unknown regions and that is where the third story will take place because kreia said that you must go there to find revan and fight the war alongside him.
People say that the story is crappy but how can you say that it's crappy when you don't know the purpose of this story? The clues and mysteries and acts of betrayals and all the events all lead to one place: revan in the unknown regions. This story's purpose was to tell you what the true war is about. Not the republic or the jedi or even the sith lords but the sith empire and where it rules is where the sith are striking from and where the true battle is taking place and only revan is there (that we know of) to fight the real war. Kreia despises the force and wants it destroyed but she is not jedi or sith. Her beliefs are different and she looked for a way to make life live without the force and only you the exile was the one to do it. But the process of destroying the force is not over and that event might take place in the 3rd story. The force might be destroyed but like nature, life can evolve and find another way around and probably bring the force back. You people write things of what you think is going to happen but you guys never look at the purpose of this plot and make a story almost identical to the 1 and 2 game. If you want to write a story down for the 3 game then it has to connect to everything the 2 game says or else that story was a waste of time. The main point of the 3rd game story is the war in the unknown regions. This shouldn't be surprising to you because it's all over the 2nd game. Kreia talks about it in several places in the game and in the end is the major clue that reveals the purpose of the war that is going on. All you had to do is listen and look behind the words she says and the true meanings of the words not just the physical look of it.
PLEASE next time you write a (what you think) story of the third game make sure it connects with the second game with all the clues it gave to us and don't make up a bunch of things that have nothing to do with the main story like Darth Vak or lord vak cause you're just making rubbish stuff and wasting you're time.
the story you wrote is almost exactly like the first 2 games. And anyways
clues to the third story has been told in the 2nd game. In the end depending on your choices in the beginning, carth talks to you after the battle of telos and states that Revan went out to stop something he started during the mandalorian war. That's a clue right there. Who knows what it could be maybe a powerful artifact that has a mysterious power that he activated or even a resurrected, long forgotten sith lord that is the main source of the sith teachings in the unknown regions that brings back the traditions of the sith to fallen jedi or maybe it could be where the sith are striking from. Remember all the vanishing jedi? Well it's possible that most of the jedi were captured or brought to revan in the unknown regions to protect the jedis or if in the darkside captured to be converted to sith. What happened to all the other jedi enclaves? on coruscant and other planets? There were no mentions of them. So I assume that some of the jedi vanished for a certain reason not just assassinated by the sith. During the first game the jedi councils in coruscant was still full of jedi because if it was just the sith that killed them then the core worlds would have been conquered by the sith already. What happened to juhani and jolee bindo? Jolee bindo was not killed or died in between the 5 years, they vanished also and bastila was an exile jedi hiding somewhere with carth. The droids memories were wiped for a reason not by mistake. At the end the exile jumped into the unknown regions in search of revan. And somewhere in the game kreia states that the mandalorians were ordered by something else out there to try and conquer the republic. All these clues lead to the unknown regions where revan is and maybe all the vanished jedis.
Also at the end after kreia's battle she says that you must go to the unknown regions where revan is and where the true sith is and where the true sith is and the great war that is to come. This is another clue stating that the real threat of the galaxy is in the unknown regions and that a war will come. But this war could be the galactic civil war where the rebels and the imperials fight. The sith is a belief like kreia described it and revan has gone to fight it in the unknown regions. She also states that the true war is not the republic but the sith empire that still exists on korriban and malachor 5 and the unknown regions where revan is and that is what he is doing. The sith empire is in the unknown regions and that is where the third story will take place because kreia said that you must go there to find revan and fight the war alongside him.
People say that the story is crappy but how can you say that it's crappy when you don't know the purpose of this story? The clues and mysteries and acts of betrayals and all the events all lead to one place: revan in the unknown regions. This story's purpose was to tell you what the true war is about. Not the republic or the jedi or even the sith lords but the sith empire and where it rules is where the sith are striking from and where the true battle is taking place and only revan is there (that we know of) to fight the real war. Kreia despises the force and wants it destroyed but she is not jedi or sith. Her beliefs are different and she looked for a way to make life live without the force and only you the exile was the one to do it. But the process of destroying the force is not over and that event might take place in the 3rd story. The force might be destroyed but like nature, life can evolve and find another way around and probably bring the force back. You people write things of what you think is going to happen but you guys never look at the purpose of this plot and make a story almost identical to the 1 and 2 game. If you want to write a story down for the 3 game then it has to connect to everything the 2 game says or else that story was a waste of time. The main point of the 3rd game story is the war in the unknown regions. This shouldn't be surprising to you because it's all over the 2nd game. Kreia talks about it in several places in the game and in the end is the major clue that reveals the purpose of the war that is going on. All you had to do is listen and look behind the words she says and the true meanings of the words not just the physical look of it.
PLEASE next time you write a (what you think) story of the third game make sure it connects with the second game with all the clues it gave to us and don't make up a bunch of things that have nothing to do with the main story like Darth Vak or lord vak cause you're just making rubbish stuff and wasting you're time.
- Ergophobia
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[QUOTE=Solusek]Ergophobia: Ever played the Baldur's Gate Series? Baldur's Gate 1: LvL 1-7/8; Baldur's Gate 1 - Tales of the Sword Coast: LvL 7/8-10; Baldur's Gate 2: LvL 7/8/9/10-19/20/21/23; Baldur's Gate 2 - Throne of Bhaal: LvL 19/20/21/23-31/40
And now dare to call Baldur's Gate "not very RPG-ish"....[/QUOTE]
Sorry. No, I never played BD but if that's so, forget I said anything. I just don't think a story would work where you start with a huge amount of force powers and such.
And now dare to call Baldur's Gate "not very RPG-ish"....[/QUOTE]
Sorry. No, I never played BD but if that's so, forget I said anything. I just don't think a story would work where you start with a huge amount of force powers and such.
[QUOTE=Ergophobia]Sorry. No, I never played BD but if that's so, forget I said anything. I just don't think a story would work where you start with a huge amount of force powers and such.[/QUOTE]
Personally starting at level 10 or even more than that could be fitted into the story perfectly. You could begin as a reasonably experienced Jedi Knight, and the first part of the game is spent undertaking a mission or several for the Jedi Order. In a situation like that it would make more sense to start at a later level (and perhaps level more slowly) instead of starting at level 1.
Personally starting at level 10 or even more than that could be fitted into the story perfectly. You could begin as a reasonably experienced Jedi Knight, and the first part of the game is spent undertaking a mission or several for the Jedi Order. In a situation like that it would make more sense to start at a later level (and perhaps level more slowly) instead of starting at level 1.
Trouts are best tickled in muddy waters
- Darth Moudi
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[QUOTE=Lowkei]I would quite like to see KOTOR III or 4 link up to the film episode one some how as opposed to having them set years befor where its seems like the story line has just been made up for the purpose of a game. You no introduce yoda an quigon jin (think dats how u spell it). Well dats just one of my many fantasies, lol.[/QUOTE]
It cant tie into the movies. Thats why its called Knights of the OLD Republic. These are way before the movies. Otherwise it wouldn't be another KOTOR and you wouldn't see any familiar faces either.
It cant tie into the movies. Thats why its called Knights of the OLD Republic. These are way before the movies. Otherwise it wouldn't be another KOTOR and you wouldn't see any familiar faces either.
KOTOR3 should continue the adventures of the Exile(Character Importation, and a small loss of levels if you had a character over lvl 35), and start with the hunt for Revan(you could customize this by some key conversations early in the game, like was Revan male or female, lightside or darkside... etc.), and once Revan is found, it should be revealed what the real threat to the Galaxy is. Also, for the character importation, the way the game starts should be based off of whether you were dark side or light side. Should be some nice conversations with Revan if you were dark side, and Revan was light side... then again, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
The idea that the Sith Empire still exists is a compelling one. If you think about it, that would explain how Exar Kun was taught/arose, and how the very first of the Sith survived. The Republic at this time is small compared to what it will be by EP1. So for the Sith Empire to exist in the Unknown Regions is highly probable.
There are few characters I would like to see back... HK-47 is one, T3-M4, maybe Mission, Bastila(she would have to tail you somehow), and definately Jolee
He's the one character that's most like me... a cranky, crotchety, feisty old man(I'm not his age yet, give me another 30 years). Maybe Visas, or Mandalore... but definately HK... he's rocked the SW casba in both games.
Well, that's my take on it. Flame it or not, I'll just make mention that I have 7 years of experience in writing fan fiction.
The idea that the Sith Empire still exists is a compelling one. If you think about it, that would explain how Exar Kun was taught/arose, and how the very first of the Sith survived. The Republic at this time is small compared to what it will be by EP1. So for the Sith Empire to exist in the Unknown Regions is highly probable.
There are few characters I would like to see back... HK-47 is one, T3-M4, maybe Mission, Bastila(she would have to tail you somehow), and definately Jolee
Well, that's my take on it. Flame it or not, I'll just make mention that I have 7 years of experience in writing fan fiction.
- Darth Moudi
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- Darth Coran
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wouldnt it be great if the crews of I and II met up,ofcourse you'd either choose canderous or mandalore(since they're the same person)its obvious that you'd have a crew way to big to use em all but think of all the great conversation scenes,I mean the big bad hanharr arguing with honorable Zaalbar.
If it has ears it can be deafened,if it has a mouth it can scream,if it has eyes it can be blinded,if it has legs it can be crippled -Enscription on an ancient sith weapon
Never let a droid handle a Mandalorian Blaster ~ Wise words from Canderous Ordo
Never let a droid handle a Mandalorian Blaster ~ Wise words from Canderous Ordo
- Ergophobia
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Moudi, that is an ancient saying, dating back to the early roman empire I believe. I could be wrong, but AVP used it, its the first time its ever been heard or used. We used it in WWII when the Russians joined the Allies after having been brutally attacked by Hitler's armies. In fact, I do believe that Sun Tzu had a saying that was similar to it in his book, The Art of War.
No offense, you should watch fewer movies, and read more
I think maybe KOTOR 3 should deal with the very first Sith War/Hyperspace War... 1000 years before KOTOR.
Just my take
No offense, you should watch fewer movies, and read more
I think maybe KOTOR 3 should deal with the very first Sith War/Hyperspace War... 1000 years before KOTOR.
Just my take