1. The Baldurdash site says:
I obviously don't want to mess up my installation, so does anyone know if it's safe to use their version of the patch or not? Are their any other versions of the GM-patch around? (I'm not really interested in other mods/fixes, so I don't necessarily need whole fix-packs)None of these files (unless indicated) should be installed on top of the Throne Of Bhaal expansion! If you already have Throne Of Bhaal installed, do not install any of these tweaks or cheats. If you disregard this warning, your Baldur's Gate 2 installation could be damaged, requiring a complete reinstallation!
2. In this thread, somebody states that the latest official ToB-patch already addresses the most important nerf (the 1/2 attack per round) that screwed over Grandmastery, in which case I don't even really need to install the fix. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
3. Does installing a patch like this halfway through a bame affect my current game at all?
Thanks a lot,