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ranger's racial enemy

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ranger's racial enemy

Post by Alexander »

Which racial enemy is the best to have? What do you think? Pity that undead are divided into species (I mean, there are shadows, liches and so on), and they can't be considered as one group :(
They could be the good option, if not, as I mentioned, were separated.
What is your racial enemy when you play as ranger?
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Post by Phantom Lord »

Weak enemies are not really relevant, so chose a strong one. Vampires or Liches come to mind. I don't know all the options, but other rather frequent strong foes would be Golems.
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Post by Nimiety »

In my mind, there are only two worthwhile options: mind flayers and vampires - considering their attacks, they are two creatures you need to kill as quickly as possible and will take any bonus as an aid. Considering that there are few (any?) mind flayers in TOB, I have always gone with vampires.
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Post by Alexander »


Is there something that gives PERMANENT defense against Mindflayers' attacks, or only Greenstone amulet?
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Post by Deadalready »

My personal set are either Golems or Vampires, I'll just list the pros and cons of these and you weight them up. Generally the rest I find don't occur enough to warrant their use in particular, especially Liches, Dragons and Demons; These guys just don't appear enough in the game to warrant taking a speciality.

*Most are highly resistant to magic spells so have to be killed in melee combat.
*There are many types of golems and they are all quite common.
*Can do a large amount of damage fast, they can also slow their enemies and haste themselves.
*Very low thaco - can penetrate armour quite easily.
*Some can do poison damage.
*Have an AI script that causes them to run around even when no one can be seen.
*Resistant to certain weapon types.
*Often in traps or location triggers.

*With exception for Admantite and Iron golems the majority can be killed quite easily
*Many can be backstabbed to death.
*A Staff of Magi can easily kill most golems.
*Armour class is quite medicore
*The rod of Golem Smiting and Crom Fayer can kill them in one hit.


*All are very fast.
*Can level drain on hit, can kill most unprotected players quite fast.
*Most can regenerate, some insanely fast.
*Some can cast charm type spells, even when timestopped.
*Will run around when they suspect an enemy in the area.
*Hard to trap or backstab due to erratic nature.
*Common in groups of other undead.

*Easily thwarted with protection from undead scrolls.
*Easily killed with Daystar sword or Sunray Spell.
*Heavily affected by protection from evil.
*Highly susceptible to fire based attacks.
*Can be hit with low enchantment items.
*Not necessarily common unless you are looking for them, most can be avoided.
*Most spells will work on Vampires.
*Can be turned by clerics.


Personally I would prefer golems myself because a party can't kill groups of them simutaniously with Horrid Wiltings or other area affect spells, but generally they aren't hard to kill because the only factor stopping their death is weapon enchantment.

Vampires on the other hand you will see a bit but aren't really much trouble again when fought right, a ranger wielding the "Azure Edge" would obliterate most vampires instantly.
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