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got assaba bentus to zennammu for jocien ancoia now what???

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got assaba bentus to zennammu for jocien ancoia now what???

Post by camas »

he is in the tent but she says wait outside until he gets there????????
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Post by Fjorthr »

Try Walking, Not Running

Try walking Assaba Bentus to Zennammu. Running may cause Assaba to lag behind you and not be "registered" when you get to Zennammu. If that doesn't work, try the other dialog option when speaking with Assaba when convincing him to follow you to Zennammu (Either dialog choice works. But maybe one is buggy??) Anyway, that's all I can think of; I hope this helps.
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Post by DARK SAGE »

I just did this mission recently and your problem is Assaba is not supposed to enter the tent.When you run there with him wait outside till he stops followig you.He should start hanging around the 2 women outside.Then go in talk to the woman she will tell you that the dude can go.If you talk to him he will tell you that he can find his own way back to the camp.Then you are done you can go back and collect your reward and probably an advancement. :)
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Post by RebelousDarkElf »

[QUOTE=Fjorthr]Try walking Assaba Bentus to Zennammu. Running may cause Assaba to lag behind you and not be "registered" when you get to Zennammu. If that doesn't work, try the other dialog option when speaking with Assaba when convincing him to follow you to Zennammu (Either dialog choice works. But maybe one is buggy??) Anyway, that's all I can think of; I hope this helps.[/QUOTE]
About how the character always lags around, I hate that! I have speed and stregnth of 100. It is soooo monotonous walking for all day for like 200 gold.
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