I'm currently up to that bit(or i was till i decided to scarp my char). Anywho, i'm a bit jumpy when it comes to ghosts(curious, but real jumpy despite my love of horror). When i got to that bit in the game i had to turn the game off after creeping(or rather trying to look in every direction at once) around the ground floor due to scaring myself half to death and nearly having a panic attack, lol.
I really wanna continue with the game, but that part just plain scares the hell outta me, lol.
Maybe if i turn the sound off...
In the last 10 years, only 4 things have scared me, in order of scariness:
1. During morning rush hour, I spun out on ice and hit another car, which totalled my car.
2. When my ex-girlfriend burglarized my apartment so she could buy more drugs, I confronted her and her fellow thieves in a busy crackhouse, trying to get my property back with nothing but a crowbar for self-defense. I acted tough, but I was afraid, because there were two dozen people there, and I didn't feel safe turning my back on any of them.
3. Watching the american version of The Ring in the theatre.
4. Playing certain scenes in this game.
Yes, this game is scary at times. Ocean House is obviously pretty scary, but I also got very nervous at Gimble's Prosthetics, as well as The Mausoleum and of course, that crackhouse with the frightened drug addict. And I haven't even been to the Downtown Hospital yet.
Found the Ocean House pretty freaky, sitting here alone in the middle of the night with only the monitor glow. Was expecting much from the downtown hospital and was sorely disappointed. No monsters, just another creature of the night striking bargains. The only good bits were what happened on those two monitors - which was great, but there needed to be more. If you want freaky and hospitals in the same sentence, I can't recommend Silent Hill highly enough. Turn off the lights, turn up the volume, and forget about sleeping for awhile.
Ocean house hotel. NEVER PLAY THIS PART AT 3 am and not having slept for 3 days. Scared the crap out of me with the eery voice saying "he's comming' and then turning around to see him standing there >_<
then the creepy hospital in downtown was scary too for a bit. Then the Nosferatu warrens (kings way actually. the sewers are not that bad but the house is)
Ocean house hotel. I played that part in the middle of the night on a lan party with headphones on, I screamed when that girl runs right infront of you in the hallway. It took me 15 minutes before I wanted to play again, it really spooked me.
then, a bit further in that quest when you see the axe murderer behind those pipes. I spended all my blood on bloodbuff and other powers, grab my tire iron and run around the pipes planning and ready to beat that guys brains out.
I really felt stupid after that...
The ocean house scared the sh*t out of me lol.. I actually had to turn down the volume so I couldnt hear all the noises.. ;/ I know Im sad..
The kings way and those d*mn two armed thingies scared the sh*t out of me too.. I thought I got them all and I was walking away and one came up behind me mad me d*mn near jump out of my chair :O
Yeah, Ocen House was quite frightening my first time through. I ended up adjusting the audio a couple times I was sure something horrible was going to happen, as well. *sigh* I found the King's Way portion of the game somewhat freaky as well. It was more unsettling than anything, but I did jump a time or two as the monsters came charging after me. I have to admit, the developers did a very good job of representing the horror genre (particularly the White Wolf kind of horror, which is built more on anticipation and suspense than gore) in this game.
I still get chills going through the Ocean House. Best level design I've ever run across. Oh, and for the record, I regard the Ocean House as better than the Asylum in Thief 3. What detracted from the Asylum was that you eventually ran into monsters you had to fight, which made it less scary. The Ocean House was as scary as it was because you kept expecting something to leap out at you, but nothing ever did.
The part that really scared me in the hotel was when the ghost woman runs by the first time. I think after that I constantly had my gun out and shot anything that moved. Also the first time the axe guy appeares my heart rate increased alot After that the hotel was not all that scary anymore. Also gimbles prostetics is kinda creapy in the sense that you dont know whats going on in the first moments and you see all the blood splattered rooms and the photos on the walls and such.
Ocean House doesn't scare me quite as much as the Nosferatu Warrens. That maze...I had nightmares after that maze. Like, literally. There were giant fists chasing me through sewers. I didn't touch the computer for a whole two days after that. But I recovered.
I loved the Grout mansion.. that place has it's moments certainly. What freaked me out about that place first off was what the gouls were wearing - very Hannibal Lectar-esque. And listening to all the recordings that follow Grouts journey into insanity. In real life I'd be far more freaked out walking around an old fashioned mental institution (one of the older ones where the patients were treated horridly) than I would be in a place like the haunted hotel.
The haunted hotel frightened me the first time around but the second time I wasn't nearly as lost so I just breezed through it as quickly as I could.
Another place that got to me was the lab of the mad doctor - the one that was interested in "prosthetics" heh.. insane medical stuff like that really gives me the shivers.
i thought oceanhouse, that malcavians mansion, kings crossing, and the carnival of terror quest were freaky.
Never saw the killer behind the pipes in oceanhouse quest, i think im blind gunna look for him this time.
Usually play this game at 2-4am so kinda adds to freakyness. Oceanhouse the first time scared the crap out of me, specially the boiler room, cause those are scary.