That being said, my frustration is this. I just spent 4 hours arguing with my Toy. Now, I can handle arguing, it's part of any form of relationship people have. Sometimes I enjoy them, sometimes I don't want to deal with them whatsoever, and sometimes I don't care. Well, I wasn't upset, she was. It took me two hours, yes, hours, to figure out what was really wrong. Apparently, she's confused on how she feels for me, and this is why she was upset and arguing. Lovely way of reasoning that one I have to say.
Anyways, apparently a situation has occured where we argue often now. The main reason is, we have an odd relationship in which we both wanted to NOT be very close to anyone. However, both of us have found we're torn on the issue of how we feel for each other and how that should be handled. This is for numerous reasons, least of which are the reasons we first entered into our strange relationship. It's not from fear of being hurt or anything like that at the moment. Rather circumstances and personal things that would make getting closer extremely difficult and hard to deal with because of those things. Since we are both lost on how to act with each other often now, we end up arguing because we're frustrated from it.
This is understandable, logical and would be easily fixed if we could work out what to do. Yet, that can't be done if she just decides to try figuring it all out on her own, and not sharing things with me. Arguing for the sake of venting frustration and not just explaining whats frustrating her isn't a good way of dealing with the problem either.
So, 2 hours arguing until I reasoned out whats going on, and she sputtered into slowly sharing tid bits of information with me. The problem is, she's never really cared for anyone outside a family relationship. Not into boyfriends or getting close like that. I've dealt with only long term relationship attempts before this. So I have experience with serious relationships and she doesn't, and she has found she's lost in how she's starting to feel for me. Never having had to deal with caring for someone in this manner, and not knowing if she really does care like that because she's never dealt with that has made her confused and frustrated and highly argumentative.
2 hours more of discussing all of this, and attempting to explain how relationships work, and all of that ended up with "I'm tired, we can deal with this tomorrow". So, tomorrow I get to look forward to renewing our argument/heated discussion. My wonderful, no stress "relationship" has become a frustrating "where do we stand" situation. Once she figures out how she feels, which will be who knows when, there's still the matter of what do about it and how all of those afore mentioned circumstances and personaly things affect our decisions on what to do.
So, having said that. Why is it people have such a fear of communication? I know I've never been in "the norm" with how I think, or act or much of anything. I really have no shame, or fear of what people may think of me and such. Others in general do, yet, if you don't express your problems and concerns about someone, with that someone you cannot expect that someone to understand and do something about it. If you don't inform someone your upset with them for such and such a thing. Chances are that person will do that thing repeatedly until it is brought up as an upsetting action. So why the fear involved?
I mean, I've made it a point to study people. I analyze why they do things, when and how often all of that. My own little take on psychology and sociology. I know her well enough to have pinpointed what was wrong, and the reasoning behind it and I can probably guess as to where it all will lead based on what I know of her as well. So maybe this is just a rant. I don't know. Over the last week, we've gone from arguing to being far closer than we have the past few months, back and forth since we first started arguing. Apparently something in her just clicked and it's caused all sorts of turmoil. Personally, while she's dealt with this kind of distant relationship her whole life, I haven't. So I've gone by her lead with it, and now, she's changing her mind and feelings and wanting me to take the lead and hasn't mentioned so until tonight but been biting my head off for not doing so for the past week.
Anyone dealt with anything like this? I suppose I'm not looking so much for advice so much as just something to relate to. That and just an alternate method of getting all of the frustration out on this issue and some amusement from it besides drinking.