I hoped that there might be someone out there who could give me some advise on a little weapon matter...
I was wondering if it's actually possible to get a "Holy Hammer of Corrosive Burst +5" in IWD 2, and if it is, then plz tell me where i can find it.
...Just thought it woul be nice to combine it with the Holy Avenger
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Technically...yes it is. However, given that almost all items -weapons or otherwise- are random drops from enemies or containers it's pretty difficult to plan your characters' equipment loadouts in advance. The only way to guarantee you get what you want is to cheat- but what is the point of that?
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Hmm... That's really to bad, 'couse I hoped i could get it in the same way you can get the Holy Avenger... but well, I'm just going to hope that i find it then
Quitters never win, but what about winners... do they ever quit?
does anyone have any fav. weapons? or weapon types? i luv bastard swords, great swords and thrown weapons. I wish they had throwing spears too, and had more exotic types of weapon. I'd luv to use javelins, or other stuff like claws or knucle dusters for monks, one-handed staffs mebbe, or huge two handed hammers, or scythes and stuff like that.
Well... I really don't know what my fav. weapon is, but I tend to like big powerfull and legendary weapons... such as Holy Avenger, or Cromfair (don't know if that's spelled right).
Actually I think that hammers are some of the coolest weapons, speacially if they are real big and destructive ... just to bad that's it so hard to find good hammers in IWD 2.
Quitters never win, but what about winners... do they ever quit?
My favorites have been reformed to Greataxes by JUPP as it says "best maximal damage, best critical hit multiplier, widest selection of weapons to use and the use of two-handed STR bonuses". So cool weapons. The Holy Avenger is still ofcourse the best and coolest. Too bad it can be only used by paladins It's also so cool when the cleric/druid character has the Big Black Flying-Death (a returning two-handed throwing axe) and is throwing it around. My favorites
I love the warhammer +2. You get it early, the extra damage always happens, few mobs are resistant to electric damage, and nice attack bonus (compared to other weapons you can get at that point of the game) for a long time. It is truly a great workhorse of a weapon.
Finally, warhammers work well with ranged weapons. The returning throwing hammer you can buy in Targos is good and can be upgraded to +2 electric in the underdark.
how do you *upgrade* weapons. do you mean a better version can be bought, or do you mean actually upgrading it? also, does anyone know if there is any good armour out there besides leather. i tend to kit my characters out in leather cos they basically are much harder to hit that way and many leather armours have decent bonuses. I've never ever found a single magic armour above leather before, besides the boring beatle plate armour, and i dont even know what those do...
[QUOTE=ammama]do you mean a better version can be bought?[/QUOTE]
You can buy a better one.
[QUOTE=ammama]also, does anyone know if there is any good armour out there besides leather. i tend to kit my characters out in leather cos they basically are much harder to hit that way and many leather armours have decent bonuses. I've never ever found a single magic armour above leather before, besides the boring beatle plate armour, and i dont even know what those do...[/QUOTE]
I use both leather and heavy armor. For non-leather armor, Chain +1 is ok. Boring beetle is better. Air Genesi is the same as boring beetle. Asimar's Aura and Mithral Field Plate are future upgrades. For future parties, I'm thinking of skipping the boring beetle armor because I hate the color.
Tank's weapons:
Great Axe of course - Widow's Sorrow (I tend to use it over other greataxes, up until +4! The extra criticals are really something!)
Haft Over Head - my tanks tend to have specialization in axes anyway, so a bit of flying +1 bludgeoning damage is extremeny useful.
Big (Black Flying) Death - it's just such a cool weapon! by the end of the game, my tanks tend to use it more and more (after the whole bunch of enemies have been stunned by Symbol:Stun or something - why run to them, when you can reap them from afar, just like the Death's original owner!)
The pinnacle of all axes - the ultimate Massive Greataxe of Flame
Mdium Strength (duel-weilding) char's weapons:
Scimitars - great critical threat range, with a little (or a lot) of LUCK - I mean luck spells/items - you'll be scoring A LOT of criticals. Works really great with Dirty Fighting.
The ultimate here is actually not a scimitar - but a Bastard Sword of Heroism. It has the 18-20 critical range, +5 enchantment, and extra +3d6 damage - you get the picture.
BTW... When and where can i get the +2 warhammer...? Everybody is talking about it, but i don't remember where to get it, so plz give me a little advise here !
Quitters never win, but what about winners... do they ever quit?
[QUOTE=Painflux]BTW... When and where can i get the +2 warhammer...? Everybody is talking about it, but i don't remember where to get it, so plz give me a little advise here ! [/QUOTE]
You buy it from Zack Bossenbury in the exterior zone of the Ice Temple.