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Post by |Bro|Laurentius »


there has been some mods, who... I better stop here.
postfarming and spam is bad. It can ruin a board...

But there are othere sulutions... (mostly the threads where closed or deleted) A mod has to do what a mod has to do...
the other way:
make a Spam forum... that way u can move spam there, indstead of deleting it... and those who want to do somthing fun can do it there... the posts wont be counted and everyone is happy...

Just think about it. We did it in our forum... and we are really happy about the outcome...
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=|Bro|Laurentius]make a Spam forum... that way u can move spam there, indstead of deleting it... and those who want to do somthing fun can do it there... the posts wont be counted and everyone is happy...

Just think about it. We did it in our forum... and we are really happy about the outcome...[/QUOTE]

Actually, this can of worms was opened and napalmed a month or more ago. Had a thread with drapes, shrubbery and everything. Most people felt there was no need to separate spam and serious threads from one another.

I hope you don't mind me asking, but, why do you end all your sentences with three dots? I'm just curious. I've seen it occasionally elsewhere, and I have a hard time accepting that this is common practice in any linguistic culture; but I could be wrong. :)
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Post by Aegis »

Not only that, but SYM is that forum where spam is tolerated. What it is we don't tolerate is post farming. There is a difference between that and spam. Spam can be fun, light hearted and amusing. Post farming is posting simply to increase post count.
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Post by frogus23 »

[QUOTE=fable]Actually, this can of worms was opened and napalmed a month or more ago. Had a thread with drapes, shrubbery and everything. Most people felt there was no need to separate spam and serious threads from one another.

I hope you don't mind me asking, but, why do you end all your sentences with three dots? I'm just curious. I've seen it occasionally elsewhere, and I have a hard time accepting that this is common practice in any linguistic culture; but I could be wrong. :) [/QUOTE]I think it is a demonstration that each sentence is long considered, and that each subsequent sentence flows necessarily in a gradual illumination of the whole point.

Of course, it also looks mysterious: a dot-dot-dot is the textual equivalent of a subtly raised eyebrow...

I do it quite a bit myself... ;)
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Post by |Bro|Laurentius »

the 3 dots...

Im a fast tipper(.) and my english is not very god... so I have to think every time when I start a sentence... I might look funny for some people but it just became my stile. I just need the three dots for thinking and in the end Im to laizee to edit... sorry for that.

postfarming is bad... and spam is too... but "spak ur mind is some kind of spam forum, because off some thrads... I think its ok to spam... as long as it doesnt disturbe others.... wow I did it again. Lots off dots.
But if someone sais: "this is postfarming and this is spam" he sets the limits. And those can sometimes be in a grey-zone.
So why not make it possible to make funny spam-threads, without the risk of beeing acused of postfarming? There is one forum, wich I only visit to spam... sometimes... well I post meeningfull things too, but mainly spam. these posts doesnt count, so Im just having fun with other spammers and noone is mad.

(I realy tried to cut down the dots on this one)
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=|Bro|Laurentius]the 3 dots...

Im a fast tipper(.) and my english is not very god... so I have to think every time when I start a sentence... I might look funny for some people but it just became my stile. I just need the three dots for thinking and in the end Im to laizee to edit... sorry for that.[/quote]

Oh, no problem. I was just curious. I've seen this kind of posting before, and I've always wondered. In English, the ellipsis (that's what it's called) is used to indicate words left out in a quote, or a pause in conversation; that's all. So I read posts like yours as having lengthy, odd pauses. :D It's just habit. Frogus is a special case, being an incarnation of Kafka.

So why not make it possible to make funny spam-threads, without the risk of beeing acused of postfarming? There is one forum, wich I only visit to spam... sometimes... well I post meeningfull things too, but mainly spam. these posts doesnt count, so Im just having fun with other spammers and noone is mad.

We sorta have that, too: the various "house" or "tavern" threads. There are usually one or more at the top of SYM at any time. These may not all start as silly threads, but I think it's safe to say that they invariably become silly threads. I even did one or two in the past, though they vanished quickly. Whether this was because I'm really not good at spam or because C Elegans gave up belly-dancing in the bar remains a matter of some debate.

(I realy tried to cut down the dots on this one)

So I noticed, and it was appreciated. I was able to read through your comments without interpolating any pauses in my deteriorating brain matter. :D
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Post by Xandax »


postfarming is bad... and spam is too... but "spak ur mind is some kind of spam forum, because off some thrads... I think its ok to spam... as long as it doesnt disturbe others.... wow I did it again. Lots off dots.
But if someone sais: "this is postfarming and this is spam" he sets the limits. And those can sometimes be in a grey-zone.
So why not make it possible to make funny spam-threads, without the risk of beeing acused of postfarming? There is one forum, wich I only visit to spam... sometimes... well I post meeningfull things too, but mainly spam. these posts doesnt count, so Im just having fun with other spammers and noone is mad.

(I realy tried to cut down the dots on this one)[/QUOTE]

There is a huge difference between "spam" in the meaning it is used on GameBanshee and postfarming, and the two are only shared due to the fact that they are "off-topic".
When we normally talk about spam on GameBanshee it is messeges that are off-topic in regards of the forums main "topic"/forums which is games. Thus spam in this sences is everything from socializing to discussing religion back to talking about a sporting event and so on.
This is the kind of spam that is allowed on GameBanshee, and which was the reason why we have Speak Your Mind and other "non-serious" gameing forums (Tech Support to mention one).

However, spam in the more "true" mening of the word is unwanted and unrequested messages and often interupt the flow of communication. (Which is the more "E-mail" approch to the word).
These kind of posts are already in the gray zone, and covers posts made simply for fun and a lighter side of socializing (The house/tavern threads mentioned by Fable). These are still not postfarming/posthunting posts on a forum, because they do often serve a purpose. They can be unwanted in some threads - such as discussions (hence the often used "No spam" tag in thread titles) but they are still mostly allowed on GameBanshee in SYM.
But when taking it a step further and one only posts for the sake of posting - often easily distingushable(spelling?) by either a trend of one/two word posts (short ones), giberish, nekro-posting/bumping or something similar. And such messages are unwanted at this forum.
The reason for this is because the site owner and administrator (Buck Satan) has requested it to be so, and thus it is to be so.

It is not really a matter of having fun or not - I doubt most find it fun to post giberish just for the sake of posting but it is normally done only for a few reasons, postcount being the main reason; Annoying others might be another.
Some people tend to connect some level of prestige or respect to postcount which is as untrue as one can get - but this inturn encourages them to post more and often post worse.

Thus postfarming is bad, mm'kay?
It is still possible to both socialise, have fun and joke around while keeping the usage of common sences, and thinking just a moment before pushing the "submit reply" button.
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Post by giles337 »

Wow! It's a carbon copy of the thread before :rolleyes: :D

As you can see, the above is quote-spam-unquote but, as far as I, and a fair proprtion of other members are concerned, If it makes someone smile, then it has served a purpose. And at any rate, At least it was vaguely on topic. If however I had said:

... = lame. Then I would have got a royal rollocking, and Fable would have used is moderators staff of moderate moderating on me :D

D'ya get it? ;)
Mag: Don't remember much at all of last night do you?
Me: put simply.... No :D
Mag: From what I put together of your late night drunken ramblings? Vodka, 3 girls, and then we played tic-tac-toe and slapped each other around.
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