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Thats it Im gonna be an Argonian

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Thats it Im gonna be an Argonian

Post by Genetic »

I have no idea how to make my Argonian. What weapons should I wield? What armor should I wear? Should I use magic? SUGGESTIONS!?

PS when your born under the atronach, can you restore magica with potions?
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Post by werebeargoddess »

Go you! :D Argonians are awesome. :D You might want to use magic. Or even weapons. It's really up to you. My Argonian, Andrea, was a witchhunter. You might want to be that, or a battlemage, which combines magic and weaponry.

As for the potion bit, I'm not sure. I've never had the antronach (sp?) as my sign.
I wanted to change my sig, but I can't think of anything to change it to :(
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Post by Genetic »

I was thinking about giving him:

Major- blunt, spear, heavy arm, light arm, marksman

Minor- illusion, mysticism, alchemy, security, athletics

but im still unsure as to how I want to play as my Argonian

I want a good magic/melee mix

Mabey Ill make an Argonian paladin
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Post by dragonfang22 »

ok heres how u should do it

major-short blade,blunt weapon,heavy arm,destruction,mysticism

minor-restoration,long blade,medium armor,alteration,security

fav. attributes

just my oppinion
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Post by jopperm2 »

Argonians make good Paladin types IMO, ask The Great Hairy about his. Atronach is a great sign for any class as it gives you 50% magick absorpsion, one of the best powers in the game. And yes you can restore with potions. The only way you can't is through sleep.
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Post by Genetic »

It's like this
Strength and Willpower

Long blade
Heavy Armor

Light armor


One Problem: I want speechcraft, illusion, or mercantile because I want a skill that can raise my personality. Which one should I choose and what should I remove?

PS Can you raise attributes if the skill is a misc. skill?
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Post by werebeargoddess »

I'm pretty sure you can.

Btw, I just restarted with my own argonian, Andrea. I actually got a little over half way through the game with her, before I stopped playing for a long time. I'm playing through with a nord at the moment, but I've gone back and started up a game again with Andrea, but this time I've given her a custom-class (before she was a witchhunter). So I'll be playing through with both her and my nord.
I wanted to change my sig, but I can't think of anything to change it to :(
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Post by Genetic »

What I meant to say was can you get a bonus to your attributes (ex. personality x3) at a level-up if you dont have any major or minor skills that effect your personality; not just the regular "raise attribute by one at a level-up. :D
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Post by werebeargoddess »

Not unless you improve a skill that bumps up that particular attribute (ex.- speechcraft gives you a bonus for personality). I don't think that it matters if said skill is major, minor, or misc.; I'm pretty sure that just levelling it up will give you a bonus for said attribute. Am I making any sense?
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Post by Genetic »

Yea, I get what you'r saying. I guess I'll just get training for some skills to raise personality.
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Post by fable »

Spam removed. Guys, if you aren't going to help Genetic with suggestions for configuring his Argonian, don't bother posting.
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Post by Genetic »

Well, I made my game like my provious post. It's sweeet. A raptor with heavy armor and a big hammer looks awsome. My restoration, alchemy, and mysticism is cool too.
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