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Best character you rolled?

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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

I'm not sure if this is my best roll, but I recently created a Kensai with:
18/25, 18, 16, 18, 10, 10 :cool:
That was only after my third roll :D
I am thinking of making her a kensai/ thief or a kensai/mage, but I'm not sure yet because I'm liking the five slots in katana, with two in dual-weilding (one of which is Celestial Fury :D ).

Normally I don't make such uber characters, but my last couple of PCs have been magic users in a mostly spellcasting party, so I figured it was time for a change.
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Post by Rhûn »

I got 97 for an elven ranger which I'm still using, after I've finished BG1 anyway. I'm using elven fighter/thief in bg1 chapter 7 and tomes have made stats like so:
str 19 (tome)
dex 20 (tome)
con 18 (tome)
int 10
wis 15 (tome)
cha 18 (tome)
Which adds up to 100, original roll was 95 (only took two rerolls to get!). Going to export to BG2 when finished. BTW, any fighter/thief armour in BG2 thats as good as mithril chain +4?
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Post by glenfar »

Sort of an aside, but one of the problems with rolled stats is that it's biased towards the more specialized characters - for example, a Paladin will almost always get better rolled stats than a straight Fighter. Since any stat rolled below the min for that class gets bumped up, the more restrictions you have on your stats, the better a 'roll' you're likely to get ...
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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

I rolled the whole of toaday´s morning for my Kensai getting 92 total (best ever for me) :D
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Post by Erenor »

When I first bought the game without tweaking or modding anything, I think the best role I got included these stats: 18/98 17 16 13 15 16 for a Human Kensai. Not bad in my opinion for a first character. It took me quite a while to get these stats, though. Lady Tymora wasn't happy with me that day, I guess.
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Cowled Kensai
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Post by Cowled Kensai »

My best was an elven mage back when I finished BG II and ToB. My total was 102 with no stat increases let me see
I rolled about 10,000 times and it took me 3-5 hours. Mysecond best would be a dwarf fighter/cleric I made which had a total of 97.
My figiures maybe a bit off but it has beena long time.
I'm a kensai I like to eat pie
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Post by Luis Antonio »

When playing fighters, I usually roll something to allow me to go in with 18 18 18 10 10 10, and thats a good roll for anyone... I mean, if you have a mage, use the 18 rolls on inteligence, change some rolls a bit lower/upper to allow wish and presto, you've got a machine of destruction.
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