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Bastila and Kotor II

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II.
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Djengo Torx
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Post by Djengo Torx »

[Condescending Statement]
Atris = Bastila?

Bwahahaha. No offense but Bastilla was a padawan in the first game. She was never a member of the council. Plus Bastila was part of the Jedi boarding party that captured Revan. Atris has never tasted battle.

All said and done. I'm having speculations that she somehow followed Revan into uncharted space. Even if Revan told her to stay at the academy everyone who has played the first game knows that Bastila is stubborn. This will explain why her chamber is sealed.

I just need to review a bit though... did Revan bomb Korriban or did the other sith do it?

Ona side note: The first game had a lot more flow with DS Male and explains a lot that has happened in the second game. If you ask me.

The fact that Carth is an admiral now doesn't cancel the fact that he had to leave Rakata on the Hawk. Carth is very resourceful and capable character. With that engine killer beam thingy disabled all he would need to do for a promotion is find a shuttle to escape on. Perhaps one found on the downed Republic ships or even better, the shuttle Bastila arrived on. She had to have come from somewhere. Plus, Carth never shut up about being betrayed.

Mandalore was left on the outer rim with orders. If the first game was LS, then Mandalore would be a decorated hero of the republic and would have no need to be hiding on Dxun.

HK-50 is being mass produced. LS Revan would not create more assassin droids. Revan was the only one who knew how build HK droids.
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Post by telemantros »

Bastilla Meetings (Spoilers)

(Spoilers) There are several ways to see Bastilla in the game, though you never actually get to have a 1 on 1 conversation with her. These are the events where I saw Bastilla:

1. If you choose Reven to be Sith in the beginning conversation with Atton at Peragus II, then this will spawn a working holocrone on Korriban where Uthar's room was in the original Kotor. Bastilla is in the holocron and she gives a brief message of the inner struggles of the Sith students after Revan leaves for the outer rim worlds.

2. If you get your influence high enough with HK, then he will have a funny little mimic of Bastilla's voice being all prissy.

3. If you choose Revan to be a Jedi, don't know if gender matters or not, with the beginning conversation with Atton at Peragus II, then you should get a cut scene after you defeat Darth Nihilus (sp?). Carth should appear as well and you will have a conversation about Revan and why he left for the outer rim worlds. After you leave, Bastilla will appear and speak to Carth.

These are the only times I've seen/heard Bastilla in the game, hope that helps.
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Post by Struttdaddy »

[QUOTE=telemantros](Spoilers) There are several ways to see Bastilla in the game, though you never actually get to have a 1 on 1 conversation with her. These are the events where I saw Bastilla:

1. If you choose Reven to be Sith in the beginning conversation with Atton at Peragus II, then this will spawn a working holocrone on Korriban where Uthar's room was in the original Kotor. Bastilla is in the holocron and she gives a brief message of the inner struggles of the Sith students after Revan leaves for the outer rim worlds.

2. If you get your influence high enough with HK, then he will have a funny little mimic of Bastilla's voice being all prissy.

3. If you choose Revan to be a Jedi, don't know if gender matters or not, with the beginning conversation with Atton at Peragus II, then you should get a cut scene after you defeat Darth Nihilus (sp?). Carth should appear as well and you will have a conversation about Revan and why he left for the outer rim worlds. After you leave, Bastilla will appear and speak to Carth.

These are the only times I've seen/heard Bastilla in the game, hope that helps.[/QUOTE]


In addition to all of those you can actually fight her in the caves on Korriban when you are doing all that flashback stuff.
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Post by Dead! »

or you could just see her after carth talks to you bout evan after the sith attack citidel station. Bastila comes after the Carth convo.

this was with revan male/light and me the same.
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Davja Eloma
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Post by Davja Eloma »

Possible spoiler

Not sure if anyone knows this but if you have high enough influence with T3 and high enough repair and possibly computer skills. You can work on T3's behavior core and get a holo message from Bastilla as well. Have only done this as a LS male.
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Post by Ergophobia »

Yeah, the T3 message is different whether you set Revan LS or DS, but it will contain Bastila. One thing I noticed though, is that when I set Revan DS, instead of Carth there's another commander. :D
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Post by Ripe »

Actualy T3 message have a stat requirement (INT 16) to unlock - conversation line is something like:
[Inteligence] T3 where did you come from?
or something like that.

Then you need a high Computer/Repair skill to see holo.
Warning: If you fail on first attempt (Computer/Repair not high enough) T3 delete that holo and you can't see it.
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Post by Cheester89 »


That's a lot , thanks guys and keep your minds open! And by the way (about cool characters in Kotors) do you know how to romance with MIra?
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