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Before I get too far...

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Before I get too far...

Post by Skuld »

I finally decided on a Khajiit Thief born under the Atronach(for the sole purpose of the spell absorbtion). Now my problem is I'm having second thoughts about one of the skill selections of the Thief class. I'm wondering if I should start over swapping out Hand-to_Hand for Unarmored? Being as I'm playing a Khajiit it makes a lot of sense because they can't wear shoes or full helms, and they both have Speed as their governing attributes. I've just finished looting Pelagiad and I've moved on to the plantation before I head to Balmora. Is it worth starting over? I can't think of a time when I'd ever fight Hand-to-Hand, that's why i'm asking. Thanks.
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Post by dragonfang22 »

no,i would stay how you are because after all i mean you could always just raise one skill up more than the other no matter if it is major,minor or misc.
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Post by fable »

There are so many threads about favorite races and starting skills that they could easily form a forum in themselves. Just check out the current pair on this page about "starting tips" and "starting skills" for a variety of opinions, and good luck. :)
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Post by Skuld »

OK, fair enough... I wasn't really looking for starting tips so much as to answer the simple question of whether to start over and swap out "hand-to-hand" for "unarmoured". I realized afterwards that a Khajiit can't wear boots/shoes or a full helm so "unarmoured" would have been a much better choice than "hand-to-hand". I've played a bit before but I sold back my regular version a while ago and just recetly bought the GOTY version with hopes of getting back into it. I'm very happy with my character so far, and it'd be a shame to start over so I guess I'll leave things as is. Next time around, which could be months from now from what I understand, I'll be a little less hasty to get started. Thanks.
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Post by oozae »

Hmmm.... I would say, go with unarmoured.
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Post by Skuld »

Well I'll start a new game, and see if it makes that big of a difference. If not I'll go back. We'll see.
"I'll take the stupid one who decided to threaten us, instead of shoot us when he had the chance" - Bao-Dur
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