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Character Levels.

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Character Levels.

Post by ChewwiBenny »

I was wondering about how I can get my Character level higher than a Jedi level 7 when I meet Darth Bandon? It seems that at my current level, I am no good in this battle. My character just stands there with hands over his eyes for the majority of the battle or is knocked down and back to the first. This is getting frustrating for me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

My Stats are as follows:
Level 7 Jedi Gaurd
Level 8 Scoundrel

I have the following Powers:
Heal, Affect mind, Stasis Fiel, and Force Worlwind. :confused:
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Post by shaedar »

If you feel that you really need to level before taking him on, go back to the planets you've already visited and make sure you've finished all the quests and gotten all of the available experience that you can find.
Some areas, such as the plains of Dantooine, have monsters that reappear after you've killed them (kath hounds in this case) They're good for some experience.

On the other hand, your problem may not be too few levels, you might just want to try changing your battle tactics. You've got tons of cool items stored up - grenades, stims, etc. try using them and you may find that the fight suddenly gets a whole lot easier.

Other than that, just save compulsively everytime something good happens in battle and reload everytime something bad happens, it's really time-consuming, but it gets you through most tough fights.
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Post by ChewwiBenny »

The only quests I did not compleat are the ones that give you dark side points. I only ommited them since I want to try and finnish the game on the light side.
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Post by chemicalNova »

In a game like this, you really do need to consider the affects of the items you can pick up. As shaedar said, grenades and stims help alot.

The way I would do it would be to first, load yourself up with stims. By now, you should definately have some Hyper-Battle stims in your inventory. Since Darth Bandon starts off with defensive powers (Force Immunity), I'd start with just using Hyper-Battle Strength. I assume since you're a Light Side player you'd have at least some level of Force Speed. Use Knight speed on yourself then just start attacking. Use this on all of your characters and he could end up being too busy to do anything but Drain Life. Force whirlwind also helps on his friends. You should also look into placing items on your head to help against force powers he might use to stun you (like Choke, Fear etc..).

Hope that helps anyway,

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Post by Grishnakh »

Buff with stims. Activate shields. Throw grenades. Lay mines right before the fight and then and lure him back into them by running away.

I like throwing adhesive grenades and wielding a good blaster. Also fun is throwing an adhesive or cryoban and then following it up with a gas or poison while they're stuck. Give 'em the ol' "Glue and Gas". Sometimes you have to think outside of the box, instead of just trying to hack through things as a one dimensional saber jockey.

Some gear to help your WIS will help your force powers to be more effective, but as a Guardian you shouldn't be trying to use force powers to affect other people anyways. You're just too easy to resist, and then there is Force Immunity to block all but "master" level offensive powers. You should be concentrating on using the force to buff yourself in melee and letting Bastila handle the mass-affect stuff.

Finally, freeze the fight some time and check the combat results audit screen to see exactly what rolls and modifiers are being used. You may find that you simply have a huge glaring weakness against whatever force power Darth Bandon is throwing at you (Paralysis?). Picking up some good headgear or an implant that cancels mind-affect powers might be all that you need.

My first run through was as a LS Scoundrel-2 Consular-18 so at the point I ran into Bandon I was probably already Consular-13 with plenty of master-level offensive force powers and a fetish for grenades and mines. Bandon was a pushover.
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