Everyone knows that the vast majority of gamers just play to have fun. Most of them start a game on the easiest or just moderate settings and play through. They may miss a bit but they are just as content when the beat the game as anybody else. My first set of questions for you people today are as follows: How serious are you at playing these D&D games that we all know and love? Must you insist on beating the game on every difficulty or are you just satisfied with one? And does every scrap of the game have to be beaten (every little side quest no matter how long and tedious or just plain silly). I myself like to play at the medium difficulty at the least. I only have to beat most games at one difficulty but if they are exceptionally good I "WILL" do it on the hardest. If i beat the game then realize that I forgot to finish on of the side quests--oh well. Im not going to go back and beat it, its probely only trivial anyways.
Secondly, I am interested to see just how much skill there is out there. I pride myself in being vasty inept at beating D&D games. They are just plain fun so I like playing them. But I have realized that the game producers just never make the 'normal' level of difficulty challanging enough. Even the most powerful monsters can be beaten in a single try with a bit of stratagy. Normally I have to up it to the highest difficulty to have the kind of challange that takes many well thought out repitions and lots of luck to defeat my foes. Just out of curiosity, how many other people can do that. I know your out there, but just most people cant do it as well. (no offence intended) I myself have great repect for somebody who is not so skilled but is determined to see their pretend adventure work out. Do not be afraid or reluctent to speak up on this matter. Called it an unofficail poll if you like.