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Which character do you hate?

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Post by Kienan »

Atton is annoying. "Pure Pazaak"...GRR!!

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Post by Darth Saddam »

Goto is crap!

If there is a worse character than GOTO I am un aware. His voice reminds me of fingernails on a chalkboard. I do not know why they gave us an extra driod in this game. His character is lame and like most driods he is mostly useless. Unlike HK-47 who occasionally makes me laugh and has been one of the few fun NPC's in either game. He almost taxes my nerves more than Carth.

Kriea is also not a good NPC. She is annoying from the very begining. Spoiler I cannot believe they made her the main bad guy. She is not scary and she is not tough or interesting. Also, how can she be so worthless as a Jedi in my party for the whole game, ie only one hand/attack and yet at the end actually be powerful. Her desired answers are so lame that I hate myself for trying to build influence with her.

The Wookie is pretty worthless but I will say wookie frenzie made up for his lack of conversation.

Bao-Dur is far and away the best character. Is voice is so soothing and relaxed. I have never heard such an incredable voice in a video game before. With a voice like that, ever someone as ugly as him could get with Handmaiden. PS Does anybody knows who does his voice.
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Post by Darth Potato »

have a look in the credits.
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Post by Polyphemus »

Kreia... I freaking despise, loath, detest, hate, and want to eviscerate with every fiber of my being, that odious wench called Kreia. Every moment of that game I want to dice her up so I don't have to listen to that aggrevating condescending, know-it-all voice of hers, telling me things I already know or don't care to hear. She wins bar none, although I do hate Bao-Dur pretty badly.
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Post by FiOth »

I like all chars in the game and I think that they all have very unique and original personalities.In the 1st game though I didn't like Juhani's voice at all but she was quite handy.
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Post by Kokyho »

G0-T0, I so wanted to dissemble him at the workbench into mines or grenades or something.

Kreia couldn't make up her mind, don't do this, don't do that, then helps you get extra powers, whether light or dark. Then apparently I'm not suppose to use them for whatever purpose they serve. I was hoping to find a robe with a hood that has the strings in it to pull em and squish the hood over her face.
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Post by MasterEwok »

Atton was great his stupid pure pazzak got really anoying but train him and use him and kriea in your party and it's insane kriea with high wisdom will almost always cast either insanity or he actualy has a cool back story
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Post by Ripe »

Well G0T0 is completly useless character that I really hated. And beside think about this: Goto put a bounty for delivering a live Jedi which brought a loads of trouble to me (entire Peragus mess, all those bounty hunters hunting me) and after I blow up his yacht (well others do, but I deactivated cloaking device) he show up on Ebon Hawk as if nothing happen and stupid game forces me to accept him. Well as a DS character I would use my lightsaber to see if I could hit every single part of him before it touches the ground, and as a LS he would face deactivation followd by ejection from airlock and a little target practice with a Ebon Hawks turet (actualy maybe I would do that as a DS also).
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Post by Cowled Kensai »

Ok I am currently at Nar-Shaada and just beat the slavers so I havent found a lot of characters. I hate Mandalore/Canderos Ordo becuase he ticks me off with Mandalrions this and Mandelrions that and when you meet Canderous (Mandelore) he is lvl 5. When I finished KOTOR he was lvl 19, wtf he de-leveled. I like Atton, and i discovered his past muahahha. I like HK and I can't decide if I like Kerie or not, and I convereted Visas to the light side, so hopefully I can romance her :D .

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Post by Master Joliath »

I don't know why people hate Atton. If I play as a guy, and get bored, I can play Pazzak, and if I'm a girl, I laugh non-stop at his advances :) LOL!

As for the worst- HANDS DOWN Kreia. I thought she had great insight and was well planned out. But it IS SO ANNOYING BECAUSE YOU LOSE INFLUENCE FOR KILLING, and or FOR BEING NICE :mad: :mad: :mad: !!!!!!!!

*Throws her out the ship and blasts her with a cannon*
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Post by Brockaine22 »

I hated kreia at first because you HAVE to act nuetral to get her to have high influence...the trick is to not slaughter innocents without getting LS and then talk about controlling others and using your companions...basically don't show weakness without being nice....i hated this too but last time through as a sith lord i decided tog et her influence high and trusst me some of the stories are worth it...everyone should make a character just to get on krei'as good side and listen to the various stories and stuff
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Post by Grishnakh »

Atton's "Pure Pazaak" was annoying. Kreia is just a backstabbing Sith Witch. Goto is a moron who deserves swift field justice from either DS or LS. But it isn't the characters that I hate. It is the STUPID plot advances! I really hate the moronic deus ex machina plot advances throughout the game. They're too contrived and lack any credibility with me.

Remember Juhani from Kotor1? You walk up to her with a full party and she throws UberStasis on your NPCs so you can duel her one-on-one. Great. But NEVER AGAIN IN HER LIFE is she capable of throwing Stasis like that on ANYONE. Nobody is. Not even the most pimped out max-level Consular can do that to so much as a gizka in the game!

Kotor2's endless parade of crash landings. Damnit Atton, where did you learn to fly? Now THAT pisses me off more than his "Pure Pazaak!" line. Put T4 at the helm. Now that little droid knows how to pilot a starship.

I let these juvenile tricks to advance the plot wash past me until the Kreia-vs-Council incident on Dantooine. That really pissed me off. Anybody else would have to actually fight those goons. Not that they're that tough anyways. Never before and never again in her life, Kreia just zaps them all with a wave of her magic wand. WTF was that? It was "game designer decides plot needs to make an abrupt turn so he snaps his fingers".

That kind of crap would never fly in a real RPG. The players would get together and give the DM a blanket party, burn his books, and go play something else instead. You just don't pull stunts like that in a RPG.

It shows a lack of respect for the players (the gamers, the customers, the you and me), and a lack of creativity (intelligence). The weak annoying characters aren't nearly as annoying as the weak annoying plot.

Plot TWISTS are one thing. Kotor1 had a great plot twist: "Surprise! You're Revan!". That was a great plot twist. It was nicely foreshadowed, but completely unexpected. Kotor2's plot twist is: "Surprise! Kreia's a Sith Lord!" It was crudely foreshadowed, painfully obvious, and poorly implemented. You KNEW that she was going to backstab you somehow from early in the game. The only surprise turns out to be the extreme desperation that is used to actually script the scene on Dantooine.

You'd kill the DM. You'd turn off the TV. You'd walk out of the movie. You'd throw the novel across the room. Why should you put up with it from a computer game?

Okay, so they wanted a programmed outcome: Council is wiped out & Kreia escapes. They COULD have written a couple alternate paths to that same outcome. I'd have loved to have seen an option where the Council takes you back, Kreia intervenes, a cut-scene battle leaves the Council dead, but you at least end feeling like the Council might have approved of your return. Or let the Council go full-force against Kreia just to show off how tough she might be as a foreshadow of the final showdown. There are SO many ways it could have been handled better.

No, it isn't Kreia that pisses me off. It is Obsidian.

Its the lazy way they railroad you through dialogues that have absolutely no branches or TRUE options in them. This is just another manifestation of the same "gain LS point, gain LS points, gain LS points, die alien scum" way that dialogues are scripted.
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Post by DarthSion »


GOTO can be pretty annoying but i think Handamaiden is the most annoying npc of all time.

P.S: Darth Z did u get that from KOTOR 1?????
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Post by Cowled Kensai »

Call me stupied but I never thought Kerie would betray me. Guess what in the first KOTOR it was painfully obvious I was Revan, and i think I snuffed it out so easily is becuase I watched The Empire Strikes Back so many times.
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Post by Greg. »

G0-T0 annoys me. I put up with Kreia for Mentor.

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Post by Blake4000 »

GO-TO and aton, I simply couldn't take aton anywhere because of the simple fact that he'd say somthing like "more where that came from" after every kill, none of the other party members are that annoying. I never used him if i could help it. :mad:
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