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Problems in Unseeing Eye Quest

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Mr Kofph
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Problems in Unseeing Eye Quest

Post by Mr Kofph »

I have nearly finished the Unseeing Eye Quest, however, I cannot seem to find the Unseeing Eye anywhere. I have cleared out the Lower Reaches, found both rift pieces together, and scoured every inch (or so i think) of the three maps. however, whenever i talk to anyone, i can't seem to get any more information on the location of the Unseeing Eye. they just keep sending me back down into the lair. i have done alot of reading trying to find the solution, but nothing that i read seems to help. i have installed the update supplied here earlier today, but i still can't seem to find him. could this be a glitch that i haven't been able to read about? would like help, as i am getting tired of walking around looking for this guy, and don't want to give up on the quest.

thanks for your help
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Post by Georgi »

Highlight for spoiler:

To find the second half of the rift device, you have to go into the bottom right corner of the beholder map, which I presume you have done. When you come back out of that bit, the Unseeing Eye should have spawned there - there is no way to miss it. If that didn't happen, I guess that's some kind of bug in your game. The only thing I can suggest is to load a save before you picked up the second rift piece. Or I suppose you could find out the creature code for the Unseeing Eye, spawn it in front of you and kill it, but that might not be recognised as finishing the quest.
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Post by ElSapo »

That happened to me once...i saved the game after picked up the rift peace...i couldn't find the Unseeing Eye...I had to reload a old save and do it againa! :(
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Mr Kofph
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Post by Mr Kofph »

That's what i did as well, and man have i been everywhere looking for that stupid thing. but anyway, thanks for the info, and hope my old save game doesn't do it also ;)
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Post by dj_venom »

Yeah, I've had the problem too, though I had lost all previous saves by that point. I think if you go talk to Gaal it should make the Beholder appear and you can finish the quest like that.
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Mr Kofph
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Post by Mr Kofph »

hey guys,
i reloaded a game from before i had combined the rift device, and it worked. the beholder appeared, and i left him there. come to think of it, he might still be there. i might have to go check on that . . .

anyway, thanks for the help. i would have hated to have given up on that mission.
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