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Looking For Some Help on KotOR II Equipment

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II.
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Post by Marik_Chanro »

What About The Crystals
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Post by Mellypie »

I know you can get a silver crystal from Geeda on Nar Shaddaa if you help her get rid of Oondar and agree to help her with the opening trade routes quest. It's scripted there she always has it.
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Post by Lucid Aeon »

Items exclusive to PC version?

I have the Xbox version of KOTOR 2 and have beaten it twice, once with a Male LS character, and the other with a Male DS character. My 3rd character is Male LS...

Anyways, I have read through this thread, done a lot of searching on google, and still can't find answers as to whether certain items on this list are PC exclusive...

I have done hours upon hours of the save/load method to try to find new items, and I have found all except these:

(Droid items not included)

Visas Marr's Lightsaber
Sylvar's Robe
Thon's Robe
Vao's Armband
Aleema Keto's Robe
Arca Jeth's Robe
Crado's Robe
Nomi's Robe
Lawn Dart
Luxa's Disruptor
Malak's Lightsaber
Natth Cowling
Jolee's Robe
Aesthetic Item
Darth Malak's Armor

So basically these items, special robes and lightsabers have been unfindable to me after 100 hours of gameplay... Could someone please let me know if they find out if these robes and etc. truly are PC exclusive content, because I really want these items yet do not wish to continue a futile search if the Xbox version simply doesn't have them...
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Post by stormcloud »

[QUOTE=CodyCarson]Revans remains in the sith tomb. I was Dark and said revan was male.

THen I was light and said he was male and didn't get it. Haven't tryed dark female. Maybe you gets carths baster or revans saber. I don't know.[/QUOTE]

his gender is based on your answers after Telos.
i dont know what variables generate the light saber.

ps. what color is bastila's saber... yellow?
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Post by Darth-Corran »

[QUOTE=Gigiya]Action Replay certainly seems useful; I will probably purchase one within the next few days. I'll help out as much as I can with getting save games with these items; I've been very addicted to the game since it came out and don't think it'll wear off any time soon.[/QUOTE]

What's so good about an actoin replay if u cant have your own character on the game saves?
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Post by Darth Lightside »

[QUOTE=Lucid Aeon]I have the Xbox version of KOTOR 2 and have beaten it twice, once with a Male LS character, and the other with a Male DS character. My 3rd character is Male LS...

Anyways, I have read through this thread, done a lot of searching on google, and still can't find answers as to whether certain items on this list are PC exclusive...

I have done hours upon hours of the save/load method to try to find new items, and I have found all except these:

(Droid items not included)

Visas Marr's Lightsaber
Sylvar's Robe
Thon's Robe
Vao's Armband
Aleema Keto's Robe
Arca Jeth's Robe
Crado's Robe
Nomi's Robe
Lawn Dart
Luxa's Disruptor
Malak's Lightsaber
Natth Cowling
Jolee's Robe
Aesthetic Item
Darth Malak's Armor

So basically these items, special robes and lightsabers have been unfindable to me after 100 hours of gameplay... Could someone please let me know if they find out if these robes and etc. truly are PC exclusive content, because I really want these items yet do not wish to continue a futile search if the Xbox version simply doesn't have them...[/QUOTE]

Don' tyou break Visas' lightsabre when you first encounter her in the Ebon Hawk?
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Post by Ergophobia »

Maybe if you already have all the parts when you fight visas, you will get her lightsaber.

Oh, and I've found some of the items too, I don't know if you have them already. I'll send a savegame when I've competed the game. (so I'll probably have a few more then)

Crystal, Damind
Crystal, Sapith
Droid Exchange Interface
Droid Remote Interface
Force Mask
Heavy Repeating Blaster
Heavy Sonic Blaster
Response Package

By the way, aren't most of those items also in KotOR 1? If so, they might have been only put in for testing, not for gameplay.
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Post by Ergophobia »

Sorry for double post, but where do I send the savegame to?

Oh, and also: the Kyber Dart, Concussion Rocket and Plasma Rocket can simply be constructed from the workbench with a high enough repair skill. (30 or so)
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Post by Master Joliath »

P.S. Haven't read all the posts yet so I don't know if anyones mentioned it

The force mask you can get by battling siths in Freedon Nadds tomb.
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Post by Ergophobia »

The item drops are random, believe me. Even the Force Mask.

Still waiting on a reaction on where to send the savegame, though.
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Post by mwadlin »

I have seen some

Here are the ones I'm virtually certain I have seen. There are others that I think I have seen, but it might be a close name variant.

Accuracy Gloves
Bavakar Strength System
Bothan Perception Visor
Crystal, Damind
Droid Assassin's Rifle
Droid Exchange Interface
Electromesh Armor
Force Mask
Gand Shockstaff
Immortality D-Package
Physical D-Package
Quickness D-Package

You still interested in any of the stats for these?
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Post by mwadlin »

Here's some samples

These were in a recent game:
base_image.jpg (3.68 KiB) Viewed 586 times
Athena's pistol.jpg
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Post by mwadlin »

Here's some more

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Puddles leaks,Chu suffers.JPG
Puddles and Chu.JPG
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Post by mwadlin »

No spawning on xbox, I guess

Is that something done with cheat codes or something?

I have played through about 8 times and there are lots of things I have never seen. Finally found an upari crystal on Malachor V this time.

Random Item generation is done with a random number generator, and they frequesntly are not so ramdom. They might look at the time and take the hundredths of a second and use that for a seed number. Trouble is the system might not allow you to look at the clock at any given instant. It may service your request only at cyclical intervals, which tend to rended the same seed number.

The result is I tend to get five of a rare item in this game and none in the next. Oh well, it keeps things interesting.
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Post by Ergophobia »

I don't think posting screenshots will help. We need prove that you haven't cheated those items in, that they can really be found somewhere. And that can only be done by sending in your savegame. I remember in KotOR 1 there was a big 'cheated' or so line over your savegame if you used a code.
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Post by mwadlin »

Just say where

Tell me where to send the saved game. They must be pretty big.

Why would they make it so you could spawn something but not put that thing in the random dropper?
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Post by Ergophobia »

RARred, they're only 500 kB. It's not that bad.

Some items might have been put in for testing solely, and some might have been removed if they were either useless or overpowered.
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Post by Brockaine22 »

My guess is this will be the same as kotor1 where the most elite items are pc appears that all of the robes of known jedi heroes will be pc only that or after 3 times through the game without a single one dropping they are just so rare that it is pure blind luck to find one....basically i think that 90% of items with a jedi's name on them will be pc only
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Post by ajdaha »

Could someone tell me what upgrades the correllian powersuit gives.
Also, If I equip Bao-Dur with two sabers with two sabers with 2 keen crystals each, and use master critical strike (or what's it called) what shall be the canhce of lading a critical hit?
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what happens when the shots ring out,
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Post by Noober »

The chance of Critical will be 50% (11-20)
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