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Mod races

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Mod races

Post by Coot »

After my Bosmer met his untimely demise (a by-effect of my crashed hard disk :mad: ) I tried to create another character. This was when I got intersted in races made by the modding community. Some are not very good, some are too powerful, but there are some nice ones as well.
One I'm particulary fond of is the Keynari race, made by Sabregirl.
Do you play with races made by modders? What are your favorites?
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Post by Aztaroth »

MOG*MOD!! go to (a great webcomic btw) and search around until you find it... anyway it's a race of Moogles (those small white furry balloon-shaped creatures from Final Fantasy, except not balloon-shaped and not too small :P ) They are simply awsome! The only problem with them is that some armors look freaky on them, and when wielding some weapons their claws stick out of the back of their hands... but otherwise thay are really cool!
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Post by Magrus »

I make my own races when I decide to go back and play now. I haven't bothered with downloading mods, just because I'm picky. The only part I don't like is I have no artistic skill whatsoever so I'm stuck with the models already there.

The only tedious part of making a race so far is just renaming all of the model parts in the TES Construction Set from one of the existing races to fit with your new one.
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