If it has ears it can be deafened,if it has a mouth it can scream,if it has eyes it can be blinded,if it has legs it can be crippled -Enscription on an ancient sith weapon
Never let a droid handle a Mandalorian Blaster ~ Wise words from Canderous Ordo
it takes about 1,300,000 to max out on everything.. this number according to what I spent on my previous characters to max it all out.
I tried the summon cheat and way 2 to bro! it works great... having multiplier at 16 I got 9k Will Exp point.. imagine having the miltiplier at 50.. not even the 300+ we were talking about.. insane lol
good discovery, and much simpler than the "undead at cliffside path"
i believe if you have a high multipler and several will potions, this can work wonders
at wat point in the game do u fight this "unlimited" amount of undead i went to cliffside and didnt really see much cept 3 general's, 8 soliders, 13 worthless
cliffside path was a good exp place for me. theres unlimited undead near the place where theres a chest on a little hill. i jus got owned by them all ( ) and i almost died but got a whole lot of exp from them. every time i killed one undead, one more took its place.