Yes, you can, and I assume you put it in through communication. Just talk to him and there'll probably be a conversation option to install it, should have a [Repair] tag attached as well I imagine. But then I've never picked it up
I thought HK-47 makes it pretty clear he never wants the pacifier installed ever again? If you want to push your luck with the homicidal droid be my guest
thanks for the thread. i always got those pacifier and just sold them not knowing what they were for. i never bothered reading what they did anyways but now i know
It's just a very funny exchange you have with HK after installing the thing. Try it, it's a hoot. You won't permanently damage him....nothing a few years of droid trauma programming therapy won't fix. LOL
I'm not sure but I think you must have influence developed with it to install the component.The only thing that comes out though is an XP bonus and +2 to awareness and treat injury for HK-47.Shame...