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Having trouble enchanting Items

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Having trouble enchanting Items

Post by edrew1 »

I have 2 charged soul gems (both have a bonelord in them). How do I enchant items???. When I get to the enchant screens there is nothing in my effects window... Do I need to learn effects????
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Post by fable »

You have to learn any spell you wish to use as an enchantment. It's been a while since I read it, but--wasn't that in the manual?
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Post by edrew1 »

all the manual refers to is learning the spells..... how do I do that? Is there someone I need to see???
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Post by fable »

You can buy spells from a variety of shopkeepers, but most can be found by approaching members of mage guilds.

Do you have a high enchant skill? If not, I'd suggest bringing your soul gems and items for enchantment to an enchanter--whom you'll also find in several mage guilds. Their enchanting skill levels are high, giving a far better chance of imbedding a more powerful spell or a more powerful version of a spell.
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Post by Raumoheru »

there are many topics about enchanting just do a simple search through the forums and you will find it.
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Post by edrew1 »

Thanks for info people.....
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