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Another Telvanni question

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Another Telvanni question

Post by Oscuro_Sol »

I've decided to try House Telvanni out but from previous games I have seen that their buildings are long.. and twisty.. and levitation spells are required. I'm not sure if I want to go through all of that :) . Do they give you any potions of levitation or should you use a character with good alteration if you want to be in Telvanni?
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Post by fable »

There are items, potions, and spells that will let you levitate pretty well. They can be found all through the game.
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Post by Ares2382 »

Well you don't HAVE to have alteration (though I don't see why not), they won't give you anything, it's not the way of Telvanni, but you can always buy levitation potions, and there is always a alchemy for making your own.

You do have to be able to levitate as almost all of the Telvanni wizards live way on top of their towers and there is no way to get to them other then jumping or levitation.
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Post by dragon wench »

One of the easiest ways to levitate, if you want to spend the gold, is to have something like an exquisite ring enchanted with constant effect levitation.
Personally, though, I prefer making my own levitation potions because once your alchemy and intelligence are high enough, the resulting levitation ability is much better (higher, faster) , even if it is limited in duration.
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Post by Oscuro_Sol »

:) Mmk, thanks guys.
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