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Stupid question

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Stupid question

Post by kams »

Sorry for my stupid question, but can anyone tell me what is THAC0?
All I know - it is some kind of "To Hit Chance", and the lower it is - the better.
But exact mechanics eludes me. :confused:
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boo's daddy
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Post by boo's daddy »

Thanks for answering my stupid questions, here's my answer to yours:

1) To Hit Armour Class Zero. You add a target's AC to the THACO to work out what you need to roll on a d20 to hit them.
2) Not tried it either but I think I remember reading somewhere that nothing happens at all.
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Post by fable »

Kams, do a search on THAC0 for your first question. We've had several people answer this in the past. That's always the best recourse, especially on something as specific as THAC0. You'll get some very elaborate responses, with examples.

Second question removed. Kams, you know that thread at the top of the page, "About Spoilers: Read Before Posting?" Please read it. We still get quite a few new players--a testament to the game's freshness.

Thread closed.
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