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The Importance of Being Diplomatic [spoiler]

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The Importance of Being Diplomatic [spoiler]

Post by the_limey »

Recently I started Lionheart again this time as a kind of feralkin ranger -archery and tribal magic mostly- but I came to a complete stop when I couldn't get into Galileo's observatory without diplomacy even while I was on Leo's lens quest. Now, as you don't need much diplomacy I am willing to restart and tweak my character a bit just to get in but I was wondering if this indicative of the game as a whole- are entire areas of the game closed to me without this skill? I have played the game before but as I played a very talky charcter I did'nt notice. Any help would be great.
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Post by swcarter »

It's been a while since I played, but I wonder if being a feralkin is causing you problems. So far as I was aware, diplomacy wasn't required to get in the observatory, but you might have hampered yourself in some areas making speech more important.

If you've already played the game once, then you probably already know that once you hit a certain point the game becomes very combat oriented. I don't think diplomacy restricts you from going many places.

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Post by CuthaLion »

Diplomacy makes it much easier. Even you avoid some fights with Daevas. But fighting is funnier.
You can use items that adds to diplomacy or speech. Just carry them and equip when needed.
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Post by Ravager »


I think you can get into the observatory if you are a Knight or Inquisitor without needing the diplomacy skill.

The skill can help in a few quests but often it is used to get around tough fights such as the finale.
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