I just happend to discover this today. In SOU chapter 1, hill top east, you see a red wizard on the road asking you to convince the governor to allow him business. Say you're not interested, and you get 3 points alignment shift towards lawful. Don't continue the conversation. Press "ESC", and then you can start the conversation again. Each time, you gain a 3 point alignment shift.
I was using a monk (85) lawful, 50 (good). And became "judge" after repeating this for 5 times. It just looks nice to have a title.
A way to infinately shift alignment--> Lawful (minor spoiler)
A way to infinately shift alignment--> Lawful (minor spoiler)
"To die is nothing, but to live defeated is to die every day."
-Napoleon Bonaparte
-Napoleon Bonaparte
Yeah. Great! It was exactly what I've been looking for a long time ago. I noticed that points towards lawful can be easily earned only in SoU, but this way is very useful, especially if you're using monks: a "simple" stealing low down you lawful points and sometimes you are going to risk to become a "former monk".
I thank you for this hint.
I thank you for this hint.