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Really need help bad!!! Ch. 5

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Really need help bad!!! Ch. 5

Post by Randolph_Carter »

I am in the Dragon's Eye (chapter 5), and I made the Wyvern venom and the modified histachii brew. I gave the brew to Nheero, and he changed himself into a histachii. I went to talk to him in the egg chamber and he looked like a histachii, and told me to wait 4 hours until the transformation was completed.

so I rested and went back into the egg chamber on level 2, only to find Nheero gone! He showed up for a second and then vanished. I went up to the first level to look for him there.. no luck.

According to the walkthroughs, I need to get some of the modified histachii brew in order to change myself into a histachii and bypass the eye of seth on the 3rd level. Without this, my game is over. I still have the modified Mandrake root, but I was unable to re-create the brew.

am I doing something wrong? Is there anything I can do?
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Post by dj_venom »

Load the game and try again. He should be there when you come back. If you get the same problem in which he disappears immediatley, try pausing then clicking on him before he disappears.

If this doesn't work, load the game again. Try resting right next to him, as that will give you a much better chance of pausing and clicking him.
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Post by silverdragon72 »


AFAIR he changes his position several times immediatly after you have talked to him - search for him in the top left corner of the map of the 3rd(?) level or in the bibliothek...

(sometimes you have also to wait for a few hours until he appears)

...or just have a look at the walkthrough - the details should be described well there!

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Post by shift244 »

Randolph_Carter wrote:I am in the Dragon's Eye (chapter 5), and I made the Wyvern venom and the modified histachii brew. I gave the brew to Nheero, and he changed himself into a histachii. I went to talk to him in the egg chamber and he looked like a histachii, and told me to wait 4 hours until the transformation was completed.

so I rested and went back into the egg chamber on level 2, only to find Nheero gone! He showed up for a second and then vanished. I went up to the first level to look for him there.. no luck.
Have you talked to him about meeting strange monsters? Have you asked him to investigate the matter? Have you also mentioned about a library of sorts in a nearby area where he might be doing his research? Perhaps you should go ther and check.
He should be found at the bottom left corner of the 2nd level, at the book cases slightly left of where you made the histachii brew for him.

According to the walkthroughs, I need to get some of the modified histachii brew in order to change myself into a histachii and bypass the eye of seth on the 3rd level. Without this, my game is over. I still have the modified Mandrake root, but I was unable to re-create the brew.

am I doing something wrong? Is there anything I can do?
strange. you should be able to create the brew if you still have the mandrake root. are you having the right person in your party making the brew? since only a character with high enough Alchemy skill can pull the lever for effect. else, it's some unknown bug of sorts that I cannot help you with, save to go to the Sorcerer's Place: Icewind Dale 2 WeiDU Items List and use the "cheat" to get another sobotaged brew into your inventory... just like how you might have done to get the modified mandrake to being with. it's not really cheating if you use it to overcome a bug.. if you have consience problems... :D

Sorcerer's Place.
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