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Woodcutter's daughter

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Woodcutter's daughter

Post by macbollinger »

:confused: I am in the woods outside of Barcelona - accepted the quest to find the woodcutter's daughter and cleared the woods. any suggestions on where she might be?
Would also appreciate help in finding the lost knignt in the sewers for the knignts templar initiation quest or finding the slavers that took the shards just outside the city gates - thanx in advance
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Post by swcarter »

We have a Lionheart walkthrough here at GameBanshee. It should answer all of your questions. You can find it here:

Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
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Post by Hazy »

*sigh* coulda just told him. look north for the woodcutter's daughter gotta go through to another section. You'll know its the place if u see a stone cross (i think it was stone) just look around for a goblin guarding the daughter.

Templar's asleep in the thieves section of the sewers. If u wanna side with thieves do all their quests first tho.
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