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No more skills after lvl 10?

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No more skills after lvl 10?

Post by Vash854 »

I took the lvl 10 cap off and lvled a bit then I learned a few more skils like forge ring and I can't use them (they don't even appear anywhere) anyone knows whats the problem? I also have to click on the image of a charecter to select him now :mad:
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

There are a couple feats (forge ring and craft staff) that were included in Moebius' fix only to let modders create items and put them into the game. Several modders have done this, but if you haven't installed their stuff, you will not be able to use these feats for anything. It is not because you are above level 10, but because the feats are "empty" so to speak. Do not pick them, or reload an old save game if you have one. There is a warning about this in the readme file in the .zip, but it's pretty silly.

I'll try to remember to give people a heads up on this when recommending Sorry if you've been hosed (but, hey, gaining a level is nice even if you don't get a feat from it, right?)
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Post by Vash854 »

Ya I got some good improvements, tnx for the update.
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