Temple.zip is a completely unobjectionable mod that fixes the single thing 3 does, plus some others that 3 left out, so everybody is perfectly happy to ignore the fact that 3 was ever released. There's just no reason to use it, and it'll cause problems with any mods you want to use.
As for traps, unmodded (Liv changed this, as I understand it), in ToEE the only thing that is ever trapped is a locked chest. Thus, just search whenever you encounter a chest that shows the padlock icon when you hover over it. It'll say "found something" above you and something like "spotted a trap" in green over the chest. Use disable device to disarm it (failure by less than 5 (?) will not set it off, but will not disable it; failure by 5 or more will set it off; success will make all hunky-dorey).
PS: I read today a thread by Livonya in which she refers to "balancing" her mod, by which she means making it so difficult that you should EXPECT to have characters dying FREQUENTLY. She seems to think playing any other way is cheating yourself of the true ToEE experience. I'm definitely staying away. Sounds aggravating. Myself, I play games to have fun, not get dallied on the strings of some modder who sees fit to stack the deck against me. I guess I'm weird that way.