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Is there guide indicating the best equipment in the game?

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Is there guide indicating the best equipment in the game?

Post by egervari2 »

Is there guide indicating the best equipment in the game? Something that looks at the best 2-3 pieces of each weapon and armor so you better decide if things are worth selling or breaking down. Thanks.
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Post by paulsbo »

Gamebanshee's KOTOR2 site has a good list of equipement and what it does. The lightsaber upgrade guide is very helpful.
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Post by egervari2 »

To bad they are alphabetically listed. The names don't mean all that much to me. I'd rather sort by attack power, critical range, defense, number of benefits and that sort of thing. Perhaps I can make my own.
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Post by Ergophobia »

A 'good' item is hard to define, especially since any item can become 'good' when upgraded. In part 1 things were a lot easier considering this.
Items may be good for some characters, but bad for others.

I think a good order might be buying/selling price. That's usually a good indicator of how 'good' an item is considered by the game.
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Post by egervari2 »

Well, I think there can be items that are considered "the best" in this game. I guess there are just so many blaster pistols and rifles, armors and so on that it's hard to sort through everything and figure out what's the best. Some things you don't get until the very end, but I got a whole bunch of unique armors in the final areas. I guess it doesn't matter since the game is too easy anyway, but stuff like this interests me.
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Post by Superdude »

The Prima Official Game Guide does a fairly decent job.

In lists every piece of equipment, and notes which pieces they suggest that you acquire.

Now, if I could just find a biotech implant so that I can get the stupid Zeishon Sha/Jal Shey armors off. I like the Jedi (light or dark, and all varieties) Robes better.
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Post by egervari2 »

I'm of the opinion that there is no "digestive period" to use all the good items after you find all the Jedi Masters that getting the best items doesn't really matter. It's not like you have ample time or good, hard battles to actually make good use of them anyway.
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