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Complex Quests

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Complex Quests

Post by Seitai »

I am now an inquisitor , but i still can not find the way to hidden treasure , there is a way to cave of the wyrm , from the Rio Ebro , but i can not go . Moreover , I can not find the shape made by the Windmill in the coast . Can somebody help me to solve these quest ?? Pls
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Post by the_limey »

If, by hidden treasure you mean accross the water, behind the crosss at Rio Ebro then you need Cortes-it's part of his mission.
As for shape, do you mean shade? Don Quixote? If so, then you need Cervantes as this is his quest and he will be in the windmill ruins as you approach.
Both of these quests are in the walkthrough here.
If this doesn't answer your questions you may have to be more specific- the name of the quest in your journal for example.
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Post by Seitai »

In the walkthrough , they said that once I get close enough to the cave, Cortes will create a land bridge to it and then run inside and loot a chest , but I tried to get close as much as possible but Cortes , he did not follow me , he just stand where I first appear ( although he is my company , but he didn't follow me ) , so how can I get in the Cave ( where there is hidden treasure ) . About the shape , when I arrive the windmill , no one appear , Don Quixote also do not appear . I don't understand the reason why my companies never follow me , never ???
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Post by swcarter »

[QUOTE=Seitai]I don't understand the reason why my companies never follow me , never ???[/QUOTE]
There's a button in the interface that controls whether companions follow you or not. My guess is you need to press it.

Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
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Post by Seitai »

sorry , can u show me where the botton is ? Because I search all of the bottons in the interface , but i still can not find the botton that u mentioned ( Can u show me that botton is the in the right or left , in the bottom or top ... or something like that show I can easyly find it ) . A thousand thanks .
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Post by swcarter »

The button has a pair of people on it. My manual calls it the "companions follow" button, which seems self-explanatory.

Sir Edmund: "Should you obey the lord who asks you to put a village of innocents to the torch? Is that chivalrous? Is it noble?"
Me: "It's a great way to get promoted, I know that much."
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Post by CuthaLion »

You can press "F" instead.
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Post by dojioji »

[QUOTE=Seitai]I am now an inquisitor , but i still can not find the way to hidden treasure , there is a way to cave of the wyrm , from the Rio Ebro , but i can not go . Moreover , I can not find the shape made by the Windmill in the coast . Can somebody help me to solve these quest ?? Pls[/QUOTE]

Go to the portside pub. Cortes the one arm bloke will put u on a quest for his mechanical arm. He is wearing silver armour. he has the treasure map. take him with u to Rio Ebro. bottom left on the map u will come to a cross. it will be across the river. Cortes will do the Moses thing parting the water for u to go in the cave.Cortes only gets one chest and will do the runner, he will leave u the dragon eye crystal. hidden treasure in the ground to click the find button. u enter the dragons eye which takes u to a small cave to.prepare for battle when u exit

just right of the wind mill is a torn down brick wall which still half stands the ghost is in there. looks like a corner of a house or what ever. the ghost is in the corner
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