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Things to Change

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Things to Change

Post by Oscuro_Sol »

I got this idea from the NwN thread, and I thought it would be in order for Morrowind. What do you think the game should keep or change? This is what I think.
- fix glitches such as NPCs falling of paths into water, people floating off the ground, etc.
- make less skills, like agility and speed the same thing or something
- make Morrowind an online game!
- incorporate more RP into the game
- make more different cultures or races
- merchants selling different items you can only get from them
- eccentric NPCs, it adds spark to the game
- beast races
- choice in making a custom class
- amount of quests

What do you think?
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Post by Magrus »

Erm, is this for the next game to be coming out, or a new one aside from Oblivion Kitten? :confused:
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"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
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Post by Oscuro_Sol »

Just your opinions for Morrowind.
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Post by Magrus »

I think it needs to be arranged so that there are limits for skills and such for certain classes. A sword-swinging fighter should be able to go to the top with swords, armor, running around, armorer, whatever. He/she shouldn't be able to go to the same lengths with mysticism and alchemy. Class dependant skill caps would be wonderful IMO.

Altering the enchanting skill so that you can do anything at the highest level. Why should someone in a store be able to do so better than your godly character at top level if you focus on it? If you max something, you are one of the best there are at it, and should be able to do anything involved with that skill.

I like the idea of a multiplayer version of morrowind. Maybe they could use the same game they have now, go through it, fix all the bugs, and turn it into an online game. Then just rerelease a patch for a certain amount of money on disc/for download and let people play online with it. It would have all the old graphics, so the requirements wouldn't be ridiculous with a lot of people running around if you have decent hardware now. Grouping together the two expansions, the original, and an update to put it online would be nice as well. Maybe even incorporating some of the new features they are putting into the latest, unfinished version without needing to revamp the graphics and all.
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
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Post by fable »

No offense meant, but this is a useless thread. MW is not going to be patched or add-ons provided by Bethsoft, who are now working on Oblivion. So nothing is "in order for MW." I'm closing this, but if you want to open new threads with requests for specific improvement mods, that's fine.
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