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Atris Romance

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Post by Dead! »

I don't know. I was female and did that with atton, got him to be a jedi, but still no romance, in fact, disciple was the one who came into my room at the end just b4 the citidel station thing in end game. I had no influence with him at all.
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Post by Darth Zenemij »

Spoilers Galore!

Just a butt load of influence! O yeah, after the last time you fight her, (whene you have a lot of influence on her or just hear it from Kriea) have her put some clothes on her and talk to her about the Force being strong in children and what not, she will easily fall in to your'e hands after that.
I decend from grace in arms of undertow...

[QUOTE=Magrus]I think you and I would end up in the hospital trying to drink together... :o Oh its a shame you live so far away man. We could have so much fun! Well... maybe. We might end up in jail after we get out of the hospital.[/QUOTE]
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Post by Faust »

[QUOTE=Darth Zenemij]yeah she will start saying things like Look allright if we start to share a bunk...blah blah blah then I will have to show the girls who the pack leader is blah blah blah. Just dumb things like that.[/QUOTE]

I don't actually think you can have a romance with Mira even with a lot of influence. You can proposition her about such a romance (and she'll say things similar to what you mention), but I'm not sure if its possible to get her interested in you. Ultimately, she considers you too old and her competition too bothersome. I might be wrong, but if so, its a very difficult romance to initiate.
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Post by Darth Zenemij »

You can, but it is really hard to. I don't even bother.
I decend from grace in arms of undertow...

[QUOTE=Magrus]I think you and I would end up in the hospital trying to drink together... :o Oh its a shame you live so far away man. We could have so much fun! Well... maybe. We might end up in jail after we get out of the hospital.[/QUOTE]
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Post by Faust »

[QUOTE=Darth Zenemij]You can, but it is really hard to. I don't even bother.[/QUOTE]

Really? I'm interested in learning how. I'd been told it was just Visas/Handmaiden, Disciple/Atton. Of course, you don't really get much of a romance, regardless, in KoTOR2.
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Post by tj_92 »

handmaiden and visas r nuthin compared 2 bastilla tho my opinion why did they have to cut her out of the game?? thts y they lost alot of sales if u ask me bt shes probs still in lovr with revan
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Post by Dead! »

did Bastilla not die in the holocron you saw on Korriban? I cant remember, prob my imagination as well.

But did she?
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qt 3.14159
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Post by qt 3.14159 »

[QUOTE=Dead!]I don't know. I was female and did that with atton, got him to be a jedi, but still no romance, in fact, disciple was the one who came into my room at the end just b4 the citidel station thing in end game. I had no influence with him at all.[/QUOTE]

Is there any way to not pick up disciple if you're female? He's sooooo annoying. I'm playing through again, to see if I can get more out of Atton, since once I turn him into a Jedi and he says I have a glow he never says another word to me. I'd rather not pick up Disciple at all, but I'm thinking that you have to go in the room that he's in to get the datapad that says where the Jedi Master is... so I have to pick him up to finish Dantooine? Blech.
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Post by Darth Zenemij »

[QUOTE=qt 3.14159]Is there any way to not pick up disciple if you're female? He's sooooo annoying. I'm playing through again, to see if I can get more out of Atton, since once I turn him into a Jedi and he says I have a glow he never says another word to me. I'd rather not pick up Disciple at all, but I'm thinking that you have to go in the room that he's in to get the datapad that says where the Jedi Master is... so I have to pick him up to finish Dantooine? Blech.[/QUOTE]
Well, I think taht you scould just no go into the room he is in.
I decend from grace in arms of undertow...

[QUOTE=Magrus]I think you and I would end up in the hospital trying to drink together... :o Oh its a shame you live so far away man. We could have so much fun! Well... maybe. We might end up in jail after we get out of the hospital.[/QUOTE]
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Post by qt 3.14159 »

Nope, I tested it last night. You have to go into the room and read the datapad by the dead mercs to trigger Vrook being in the crystal cave. He isn't there unless you do. There are absolutely no options that let you leave him behind, inspite of being warned against taking him by Atton & Mira. I even tried taking HK-47 with me thinking he might want to shoot him for me, but no luck.

The really annoying thing is that when you enter the Ebon Hawk it triggers cut scenes where you *have* to talk to him. And you don't even have any options to be rude to him!

They seriously need to work on the so called "romances" for the female characters. Apparently they have men writing these story lines? If not, they have some very boring women working there.

I've gotten to the point that I pretty much take Bao-Dur and Atton with me everywhere I go when I have a choice. I like Bao-Dur for his quiet good nature and his calming voice and I like Atton for his semi-aggressive flirtations. They have definitely become my Luke and Han. Either of them make a MUCH better romance interest than Disciple.

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Post by Neché »

[QUOTE=qt 3.14159]They seriously need to work on the so called "romances" for the female characters. Apparently they have men writing these story lines? If not, they have some very boring women working there.

I've gotten to the point that I pretty much take Bao-Dur and Atton with me everywhere I go when I have a choice. I like Bao-Dur for his quiet good nature and his calming voice and I like Atton for his semi-aggressive flirtations. They have definitely become my Luke and Han. Either of them make a MUCH better romance interest than Disciple.


i agree
i have played as female twice, and are now in the start of playing as a male. I have only read what other poeple in this threat have written, but it dosen't seem fair, that the males can do Visas and Handmaiden, while the females have to settle with a few movies where Atton kind of admit to others that he likes the female main character... unfair
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Post by Master Joliath »

[QUOTE=Neché]i agree
i have played as female twice, and are now in the start of playing as a male. I have only read what other poeple in this threat have written, but it dosen't seem fair, that the males can do Visas and Handmaiden, while the females have to settle with a few movies where Atton kind of admit to others that he likes the female main character... unfair[/QUOTE]

Well, not really. All you get with visas is meditation.And handmaiden not really anything with handmaiden. Altho I can sort of see your point.
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Elias De vere
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Post by Elias De vere »

I thought this was abouting romancing Atris. I actually liked her, even if she had a horrible voice. But, none of the characters are as hot as bastilla. she couild kick my ass anytime she wanted :D
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Post by DarthSion »

Wait, so the only way to get Disiple is if ur female???, and only way 2 get visas is if ur male????? wow i didnt know that.
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Post by Ergophobia »

You still get Visas if you're female, you just only get Handmaiden when you're male.
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