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What spells Irenicus uses when he faces off w/ the Cowled Wizards?

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What spells Irenicus uses when he faces off w/ the Cowled Wizards?

Post by Medra »

Coming from BG1, I mostly tanked and pummeled most encounters with arrows, never really learning to use magic well. (I had always been some sort of ranger/archer/tank in my old dice throwing days)

BUT that changed the day I saw Irenicus just obliterate those Cowled Wizards after you emerge from his dungeon. I've always wondered, what spells he was using to chunk those guys in that scene at Waukeen's Promenade? Any thoughts?
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Post by Nimiety »

I am 98.7% positive that I've read that they were a custom spell, ie. not one that your can use, and they are an insta-kill spell. The spectral ghost that rises from the dead bodies is similar to the effect seen on a vorpal hit or by casting wail of the banshee and watching an enemy fail their save.
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Post by SP101 »

You can see a few *real* spells, such as Desintegration... (modified versions with no saves)...

But Nimiety is right, most of them are only visual effects with a (death) script attached to them.
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Post by Denethorn »

Not all, if you have extra feedback enabled, you can look back in the combat window after a cut scene :) .

Alot of them are flesh to stone or whatever, followed by disintegrate or power word:death. I'm not exceptionally experianced on high level mage spells ;)

You're right though, Bioware crafted one awesome image of power with Irenicus.
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Post by Deadalready »

Irenicus the first time through was a scary person to front up against, but in the end he was hyped up with his ridiculous spell abilities and only half the man the cinematics made him out to be.

Most of the time he casts special versions of spells like disintegration, finger of death and powerword kill; but he'll often pull a bull out of his sack of tricks that are just ridiculous.


What I really want to see is Irenicus actually fight Cowled Wizards properly in all their true glory, whenever he fights them the Cowled Wizards don't chuck up all those stoneskins, spell deflections, mirror images and spell immunities.

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